unable to find package provider 'nuget'

PackageManagement\Install-Package : Unable to find module providers (PowerShellGet). After installing a new package, you will see it's readme.txt file in the editor so that you will be able to check if any additional steps are required after installing. With Rider, you can view locations of NuGet caches and clear selected locations in the Folders tab of the NuGet window. VERBOSE: Cannot download link 'https://oneget.org/nuget-', retrying for '2' more times. Unable to find package provider 'NuGet'. You can use those links with Start-BITSTranfer powershell I am struggling to install: Install-Module MSOnline I get: I have tried: Get-PSRepository WARNING: Unable to find module repositories. Must be able to do Android and iOS coding for flutter. VERBOSE: Unable to download from URI 'https://oneget.org/nugetv2.feed.swidtag' to ''. At line:1 char:1 ensure, that you've created a PowerShell folder in your user folder. On the first load of such solution where package restore is required, JetBrainsRider will prompt for credentials. By default, the Packages tab of the window shows all packages installed in the whole solution, but you can change the view to only show packages of a specific project. ( 'fetch' in window ) || document.write( '