Institution IDs: The country tag of the country you wish to make all belonging spies fail. This debug command will debug your game's save system. Valve Corporation. The amount of drill to set the country's sub units to. add_opinion [source country tag] [target country tag]. The ID of the province you wish to toggle FoW within. There are many countries (and tags) in Europa Universalis 4 ( EU4 ), so many that you might need a huge list to even understand how many there are! This command sets the base manpower (multiplier) for the province with the specified ID to the specified value. If specified, this command will apply to the absolutism of the country with the specified tag. Optional. Specify 'yes' here to call allies of the countries that are willing to get involved in the war, specify 'no' here to not involve allies of the countries in the war. Base manpower is the multiplier used in the calculation for province manpower. Note that they should be of the Reformed religion (as otherwise there is no fervor to add or remove). Specifying a country tag as a second argument will result in this command changing the age of that country's ruler. The province ID of a province that is a member of the Trade Company you wish to toggle the investment for. Historically, both countries were in the Eight-Nation Alliance and intervened in the Boxer Rebellion in China from 1899 to 1901. The command can be used to change the legitimacy of the specified country's leader. Optional. This console command makes a country a subject of another country. Together, they are known as the Big Four and are the dominant economic powers in the world. The tag of the country you wish to add to your interest. They are the only countries from Western Europe in the G7, G8, and G10 groupings. imperial_incident [imperial incident id] DLC: Emperor. The name of the newly created heavy flagship (i.e. If this is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. If instant colonization has been turned on, typing this command will turn it off. This command adds loyalty to the estate with the specified ID. If not specified, the country that you are playing as will be affected. In the 1830s, Sardinia began to industrialize and the French took control of the region. See arguments for ability IDs. Base production efficiency is the multiplier used in the calculation for province production income, trade value, and goods produced. 15303 ventura blvd suite 900 sherman oaks, ca 91403. when did old chicago amusement park close; female sociopath vs psychopath If you want to use Country Tags in EU4 (Europa . The number you wish for the combat dice to always land on. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Global Leadership Report. add_local_autonomy [province id] [amount]. It is used to test touch/collisions. change_religion_court [court member id] [religion id]. Europa Universalis IV. Note that this command applies to the Shinto religion. The value you wish to set the specified country's devotion to. The DLC key of the DLC you wish to show the landing page for. If AI war declarations are turned on, using this command will turn them off (default). The country tag to add spy network points to. This console command will create a heavy ship with the specified name and abilities as a flagship. The ID of the province you wish to change the base tax of. In addition, it borders rival Parthia in the east, minor African tribes in the south, and mostly barbarian German tribes in the north. This is a debug command. Executing this command will print information about balances to the game.log file (not the console). Specifying a negative amount reduces innovativeness. This command prints the current backend being used for graphical rendering. For example, if you entered 1600, when the game hits the year 1600, the commands within the file would be ran. The ID of the institution you wish to embrace. Optional. The amount of harmony you wish to add. Religious school IDs: Optional. See argument information for religion IDs. France is not an end-game tag. This will print price information to the game.log file. For country tags, see our. This command enables infinite combat mode (unknown). End-game tag. The tag of the country you wish to kill the heir to the throne in. You receive new mission trees and events when you become a new nation. First of all, you must have unique provinces in order to form a nation. This console command adds the reform with the specified ID to the Holy Roman Empire. This is a debug command, it is used to debug canals within the map. The country tag of the country you wish to become the overlord. Use the command 'combat_dice -1' to restore normal functionality (random). The tag of the country to add the sailors to. This command reloads the specified file. Your email address will not be published. This is a debug command. The ID of the province you wish to colonize for the country you are currently playing as. The country tag of the country that the first country is a march of. This command kills the consort of the specified country. As of 2015, the G7 group has seven members, all of which contribute more than six percent of the worlds net wealth. Thirdly, the game has made war score, AE, and overextension less important. This debug command prints data from timing tests to the game's log file. A "tag" refers to a nation's unique three-letter ID in EU4's source code. This cheat adds 10% patriarch authority to the country with the specified tag. If an amount is not specified, the default (999) will be applied. The country tag or province ID of the country/province you wish to change the religion of. For general pointers on securing the . add_consort [country tag] [country tag] DLC: Rights of Man. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This command can be used to change the speed the game runs at. This command adds the specified amount of innovativeness to the country with the specified tag. Specify a negative number to subtract money (ducats). Optional. The value to set the specified country's leader's legitimacy to. The amount of days old a crash dump should at least be for it to be deleted. Optional. This debug command will refresh to performance counter for knowledge. The name of the newly created galley flagship (i.e. FandomSpot is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by any brands or trademarks on this site unless explicitly stated. Specify a negative number to remove doom. The country tag of the country you wish to change the stability of. The amount of bytes of memory to leak for each chunk. This debug command asserts the specified trigger. The tag of the country with the capital you wish to discover. The country tag of the country that has aggressive expansion imposed on that you want to clear. This command changes the song currently being played (in-game music) to the next song queued in the playlist. The tag of the country you wish to make a march. The amount of progress the country should have towards harmonization - a number between 0 and 100 (e.g. Use 'timer' to see results/data collected. This console command adds the specified amount of Revolutionary Zeal to the country with the specified country tag. EU4 Country Tag List. Another major addition is the new ability to upgrade individual fleets. If not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. set_consort_flag [country tag] [flag] DLC: Rights of Man. The amount of inflation you wish to add. Province manpower is base manpower * manpower efficiency * local autonomy. If you do not specify a country tag here, your own country will be affected. If a country tag is specified, the country with this tag will instead have their diplomatic power changed. This command can be used to advance the progress of a missionary within a specified province. Specify a negative number to remove mandate. The ID of the religious school you wish to set the target country's religious school to. The text you wish to search all commands for. Specify a negative number to decrease a province's prosperity progress. Optional. Optional. This console command adds the specified amount of unrest (advancement) to the specified faction. If you do not specify a country tag as an argument, the country you are playing as will assimilate, otherwise, the country with the specified tag will assimilate the province. If you do not specify a country tag here, the first specified country tag will be annexed for the country you are currently playing as. Optional. Historically, Italy and the United States have maintained close economic and governmental ties. This cheat command adds the specified amount of administrative power to the country with the specified country tag. He spent his childhood playing Suikoden, grew up with Total War, and matured (somewhat) with EU4. Optional. The country tag of the country you wish to add or remove harmony from. If you want to use Country Tags in EU4 (Europa Universalis IV), we have prepared one down below for you to use. This command spawns Jan Mayen in the specified province. If not specified, the country you are playing as will be affected. The level to set the center of trade in the specified province to. This debug command crashes the game. The name/ID of the mission you wish to test. This command will set your country's military leader's trait to the trait with the specified trait ID. This command reloads the game's trade winds. The country tag of the country you wish to start a golden age within. However, players that need said list can find it right here, to help them whenever they want to use the cheat console and the country tags together. This command changes the age of the heir of your current country. Optional. The country tag of the country that you wish to send the insult to. Specify 'open' here to open the specified window, 'close' to close it (no quote marks). This new feature costs as much as building a new fleet from scratch, but requires less management. Optional. 'civil_war'. This command enables and disables (toggles) terrain incognita. If revolts are enabled, running this command will turn them off. Optional. Theyre designed that way to prevent players from abusing the system. Quiz by jetpunk2. The amount of fervor you wish to add. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The ID of the court member you wish to change the religion of. Note that this does not add the specified amount of corruption to a country - it sets the corruption to the number entered. This command prints out statistics attaining to power spending for all countries. This command improves a country's opinion of another country by 100. This is a toggle command that turns instant colonization on and off. A protectorate is a country that is protected and controlled by another. The country tag of the country you wish to add or remove prestige from. While this expansion has some issues, its worth purchasing if youre interested in the expansions added content. This command will print a list of the ideas (with information) for the specified country tag to the game.log file. If you've made changes to a lua or GUi file, this command can reload the file and apply the changes without you needing to restart your game. Endgame tags are nations that are not allowed to form other nations (with a few exceptions). Specify negative numbers to remove harmony. The amount of mandate you wish to add. If game controller support is disabled (default), typing this command will turn it on. A number. In addition, the new patch also fixes the problem with the panama canal project. However, Horvaths superb save smothered the opportunity and Italy ended up losing. The tag of the country you wish to form a union. Estate IDs: The amount of loyalty you wish to add to the specified estate. See, This command adds the specified idea group to your country, or the specified country tag. The number of the map mode you wish to change the map to. The level you wish to set your country's isolationism to. This command adds the specified amount of authority to either your own country or the country with the specified tag. This console command will run all of the commands within the file with the specified name. This command adds the specified amount of government ability points to your current country. The country tag of the country you wish to repair all ships of. If you do not specify a country tag here, the consort within your current country will be killed. add_republican_tradition [amount] [country tag]. The amount of prestige you wish to add. This console command sets the religious school for the country with the specified country tag. Specify a negative number to remove prestige. If you do not specify a country tag, the incident will start in the country you are playing as. The ID of the province you wish to remove the core status from. The tag of the country you wish to change the amount of corruption within. The progress to set for the missionary, a number between 0 and 100 (0 = 0%, 100 = 100%). ndasW 8 mo. Some of them have permanent modifiers and rewards. Optional. Specify a negative number to remove base unrest. Find below a list of all countries and country tags in Europa Universalis IV. The ID of the character to pass to the event. It polls valid events. This is a debug tool - it is used to test for GPU memory leaks. A number between 0 and 50 - higher numbers make the combat sound less frequent. If not specified, the country that you are playing as will be affected. The history of Piedmont-Sardinia dates back to the Middle Ages, when the region became a part of the Austrian Empire. add_backer [province id] DLC: Common Sense. The ID of the province you wish to spawn the actor in. unexplored) parts of the map. Note that this command applies to the Shinto religion. harmonization [progress] [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. incident [shinto incident id] [country tag], insult [country tag] [country tag] [insult id], religious_school [religious school id] [country tag]. The amount of man power is 1000x the number entered (e.g. Profile Quizzes Subscribed Subscribe? This command is a debug tool - it prints collected data for the 'timer_start' command. Stellaris Console Commands To start a distaster within another country, switch to it using the tag command. This command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of vertex textures in the game map. This command makes one country protectorate another. This command adds the specified idea group to your country, or the specified country tag. This command colonizes the specified province for your current country. This command adds and removes piety from countries of the Muslim religion. The ID of the province you wish to win the siege for. The value you wish to set the specified province's base manpower to. Optional. The answer to this is yes, you can! A file name to save a log file to. Medieval Dynasty: How to Make a Rabbit Trap, Medieval Dynasty: Can you become King? Europa Universalis IV > General Discussions > Topic Details. First I go to Goggle and type "eu4 end game tags" and magical things happen :P. If, for some reason, you need to confirm from the game files themselves (maybe there's an update that adds a new formable), you can look in steamapps\common\Europa Universalis IV\common\scripted triggers\00_scripted_triggers.txt, and look for "was_never_end_game_tag . Nevermind i was wrong. If not specified, all institutions within the province will be embraced. armylog.txt), a log of the reevaluation will be saved to this file (which can then be found in your game's installation directory). Re-formable countries and end-game tags There are plenty of nations that exist at the 1444 start date, but that might end up getting destroyed if the game takes an a-historical tangent. My magic box told me. Specify negative numbers to remove imperial authority. The tag of the country you wish to change the amount of favor for (the amount of favor towards your country, that is). This command, if executed without any arguments (just 'SetRandomCount'), will set the random count to 0. Video games, movies, TV shows, cartoons, anime, toys, comics, and so much more. This is a toggle command. The admiral's Siege rating, a number from 0-6. Type the name of a console command into the search box to instantly search 305 EU4 commands. The country tag of the country imposing aggressive expansion on the first specified country. If they are different, there is a problem (because two save files made at the same time should be identical). You can optionally specify either a mapname, postfx or filename (ending in .fx). This command will also affect AI countries making them instantly colonize too. what you want it to be called). EU4 Cheats is a searchable list of all EU4 Console Commands for the lastest version on Steam (PC and Mac). This command will make the specified country tag a vassal of the second country tag. This console command sets the drill for all sub units to the specified amount. Optional. This command reloads the GUI (HUD elements) of the game. This command will print the value of the specified modifier for the target country. If not specified, the effects of this command will be applied to the country you are currently playing as. The Roman Empire, Aotearoa, Hawaii, and Viti can be formed by any nation that meets their requirements. Your email address will not be published. After executing this command, score information will be printed to the game.log file. Maybe in the files somewhere? The ID of the province you wish to embrace an institution(s) within. This command will set the warscore of all wars your country is currently engaged in to 100%. Of the (European) 1444 big nations which never formed another nation only one is an end game tag (Ottomans) while France and Austria (I would not call the administrative change from Ausria ruling over Hungary to Austria-Hungary an "Formation" in EU4 terms, regardless that a was never an end-game tag. This console command creates a center of trade with the specified level (1-3) in the specified province. If executed without a command as an argument, a list of all commands will be printed to the console. This is a debug tool - it is used to test for memory leaks. The name of the file, placed in the game's Documents folder (Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV), that you wish to run all commands within (with extension). Specify a negative number to remove. Country Tags The amount of war exhaustion you wish to add. Use the command 'frenzy_off' to disable. . (, Top 10 Best Endgame Weapons in Dark Souls 2, Final Fantasy XI: The Best Endgame Jobs (With Subjob Ideas), CK3 Hooks: How They Work & What Theyre Used For, Gacha Game Rate-Ups: What They Are & How They Work. Theres also a new diplomatic option that allows you to sell your fleet for a small amount. The country tag of the country that you wish to change the religious school of. ago. The amount of natives you wish to add to the aforementioned province. This console command will pause the game when the specified in-game date is reached (i.e. add_to_curia_treasury [amount] DLC: Emperor. This console command will clear any aggression expansion between the two countries with the specified country tags. Most of them are formables themselves, which is why they have the "endgame" label. This command spawns an actor with the specified name and within the specified province. The tag of the country you wish to clear the consort flag from. This cheat command starts the imperial incident with the specified ID. In 1848, Sardinia declared war on Austria but was defeated by Marshal Radetzkys forces. Endgame tags are nations that are not allowed to form other nations (with a few exceptions). The ID of the global flag you wish to clear. Specify a negative number to remove army tradition. 2 would add 2000 manpower). If you do not specify an institution, all institutions within the province will be embraced. This command can be used to change a Confucian country's progress towards harmonization. If specified, government reforms for the country with this tag will be cleared. This command adds an issue, specified by its id/key, to parliament. karma [amount] [country tag] DLC: Common Sense. Instant colonization, as you might've guessed, makes colonization instant. This console command adds the specified amount of Government reform progress to the country with the specified country tag. This cheat will annex the country with the specified tag for either your own country or a specified country. To find out the CID type of a faction, enable debug_mode, switch to a country that the faction is a rebel to and head to the "Stability & Expansion" tab of the Country View menu. See for religion IDs. This command reloads the texture with the specified name. All crash dumps older than the specified amount of days will be deleted. The ID of the province you wish to set the AI's invasion target to. If no country tag is specified, this command will apply to the country that you are playing as. Specify a negative number to remove. If revolts are disabled, using this command will turn them back on. The ID of the province you wish to assimilate. Spain is an endgame tag so you'd have to skip that one. The country tag of the country you wish to protect/control the other specified country tag. And these are the rest of the endgame tags in the game: Aksum Andalusia Arabia Australia Bharat Brazil Canada Commonwealth Germany Great Britain Hindustan Holy Roman Empire Italy Japan Lotharingia Mexico Roman Empire Mongol Empire Mughals Qing Rozwi Empire Rm Russia Somalia Spain Synthetics United States Yuan Zimbabwe. If not specified, this will be the country you are currently playing as. The second country tag (optional) is for the the country that is imposing the aggressive expansion. Optional. Unit is pixels. The admiral's Shock rating, a number from 0-6. This console command assimilates the province with the specified ID. insult [country tag] [country tag] [insult id] DLC: Dharma. Specify a negative number to remove power. If a country tag is specified, it will be executed within that country. The ID of the province you wish to begin reformation within. This command adds one cardinal to your current nation (provided it is catholic). The country tag of the country you wish to annex the first specified country. This command enables Great Power Frenzy. When a province is assimilated, ownership is switched over (to the assimilating country), it is cored, and both its culture and religion are changed to that of the assimilating country. The ID of the Shinto incident you wish to start. This command enables and disables (toggles) a specified country's lucky nation status. If you do not specify a value here, this will default to 5000. So, I was playing as the Ottomans with the intention of forming Croatia after converting to Orthodoxy. This command shows and hides (toggles) the pause banner in the game's GUI. If not specified, the country you're playing as will be affected. It is believed that the original function of this command was removed before the game was released. This command is a debug tool - prints diplomatic action debug information and statistics to the game.log file. 1.26 added list of tags that can not form any other country: Be nice if that were more vocalised somewhere, like on the formable nations noting that none of the "end game tag" nations can form them with a hyperlink to the source oh well. The leader's Fire rating, a number from 0-6. Idea Group IDs If specified, this command will change the drill of all sub units for the country with the specified country tag. The amount of administrative power you wish to add. It also fixes numerous bugs, including crashes and save corruption, and improves the overall quality of the game. Every nation has its own unique set of challenges, and your ability to overcome them will determine whether your nation survives or fails. Only the Papal State and the HRE cant do this. This website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or Paradox Interactive. This command will start a reformation within the province with the specified province ID. Specify a negative number to subtract. Optional. Rate: Nominate. If, as a second argument, a file name is provided (e.g. If a country tag is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will become the controller of the specified province. Redirect page. meritocracy [amount] [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. The ID of the province you wish to change the controller of. This command prints a specified amount of random RGB (color) values to the game.log file. This command prints information about diplomatic relations to the game console. Its region covers Western and Eastern Europe, North Africa, and part of the Middle East. If you do not specify a country tag as a second argument, the command will apply to the devotion of the country you are currently playing as. This command can be used to change the religion of either a country or province, specified by a country tag or province ID. The threshold for classification of a country as an island. If you meant a list of endgame tags then it's here. This debug command can be used to free up space from crash dumps. If you do not specify an amount, the default (500) will be added. This command sets the Chinese Emperor of the specified country's meritocracy to the specified amount. All other assets & trademarks are property of their original owners. Hover over a cheat code to view detailed argument explanation. Is there a list of endgame tags somewhere or is there an easy way to tell if a tag is an endgame tag? A number between 1 and 3. The ID of the idea group you wish to add. Useful for debugging issues related to AI budgets. The amount of levels to add in all technology types. This command will start the disaster with the specified ID within the country you are currently playing as. The tag of the country the first specified country should be a march for. See argument information for where to place the file. If not specified, the country you are playing as will become the overlord. The amount of base unrest you wish to add. for allies). Specify a negative number to remove favor. The tag of the country you wish to add or remove fervor from. Optional. Italy had never lost in Genoa, the home of the World Cup, and the Americans were expecting a lot of pressure. This console command sends the specified insult from one country to another. make_subject [country tag] [country tag] [subject type id]. Developers, modders, and curious players may wish to simulate a crash for debugging purposes. All other assets & trademarks are property of their original owners. This command adds a specified amount of local autonomy to the province with the specified ID. This command makes the province with the specified ID a core of the country it belongs to. The amount of piety you wish to add to the specified country. ). See argument information for help with CID Type and Index. During the first century, Rome was the most powerful country in the world. This is a debug command. A few endgame tags already exist in 1444: Byzantium Ethiopia Mali Ming The Ottomans The Papal State. The province ID of the province you wish to change the culture of. Complete Guide to The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden, Path to Nowhere: Minos System (Supervision) Quick Guide, Path to Nowhere Shop Guide (What Should You Buy? At Admin level 10, become Spain, take their ideas, and tag switch to Italy for the permanent cores and cultural union. This command will change the corruption of a specified country to the specified amount. This console command adds the specified amount of reform desire to your current country. If not specified, the admiral will be added to the country you are currently playing as. France or Deccan are not even listed as end-game tags in the wiki. The country tag of the country you wish to make a protectorate (the county that will be controlled and protected). golden_age [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. The ID of the province you wish to spawn Jan Mayen in. If a country tag is specified as a second argument, absolutism will be added to this country. Hover over the faction you wish to add unrest to: the second number is the CID index. A permanent claim does not expire. This command will make you play as (switch to) the specified country tag. flagship_galley [name] [ability id] [ability id] [ability id]. This command removes the limitation that restricts amount of major missions you can choose from. The ID of the province you wish to upgrade to a center of trade (and/or adjust the level of). The country you were playing as before will be controlled by AI. This command enables and disables (toggles) the collision box debug information being drawn on the screen. See argument information for reform IDs. This command prints a list of all console commands to the game.log file. If you do not specify a second country tag, aggressive expansion from all nations towards the specified country will be reset. If you do not specify a second country tag, the country tag you specify will become subject of the country you are playing as. The amount of army professionalism to add. This debug command can be used to verify localization keys. The country tag of the country you wish to log all crownland changes for. If a country tag is specified, the newly created admiral will be added to that country, if not, the admiral will be added to the country you are playing as. The tag of the country you wish to make the owner of the specified province. This command adds the specified trait to the ruler of the country you are currently playing as. Reform IDs: The ID of the Golden Bull you wish to give to the current pope. The country tag to remove the casus belli from. A tag refers to a nations unique three-letter ID in EU4s source code. not your computer/real life date).
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