chicago contrarian second city cop

Famed Chicago School to Release The Official Parker Handbook. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoots call to arms on social media goes without rebuke. Smaller & Taller: Place-Based Governance in Chicago. Or undocumented in the parlance of the current administration. From the story: "Long Beach Police are investigating the officer's use of lethal force and the school safety officer, who has not been named, has been placed on leave" If this were a white officer, BLM would already be outside of his house throwing bricks through the . Chicagos Best High Schools: Select Enrollment, Not So Select, New CPS proposal will further peck away at Select Enrollment admissions standards in the 2023-2024 school year to further equity., What Alderman Raymond Lopez Brings to the Chicago Mayoral Race. Kim Foxx Poisons the Well for Two Chicago Police Officers. And a new crisis is on the horizon that the media hasnt even touched on for some strange reason: Second City Cop Remarks. Beverly, Mount Greenwood neighborhoods fight for Danny Golden. The Tribune perfected the model of agenda journalism. Saint Patrick's Day: A Celebration of the Greatness of the Irish in Chicago. Martin Preib December 28, 2022 Chicago's Injustice Watch Takes Aim at Chicago Police And a new crisis is on the horizon that the media hasnt even touched on for some strange reason: We still get e-mails from coppers with all sorts of info, hoping we will return and use it one day. Why do federal authorities always get a pass? Recognizing that citizens in Chicago deserved the right to demand transparency in their criminal justice system, Siska established the Chicago Justice Project. The Coming Catastrophe for Chicagos African Americans. And the explosive charge of racism he's been claiming for years was concocted to juice his civil suit and claim for . The new mayor has the power to physically remake the city or large portions of it. Kim Foxxs War on Law & Order in Chicago Expands Unopposed. Administrators of popular blog explain decision to shutter website. Via Chicago Contrarian On Chicago: And There it Goes August 11, 2021 SECOND CITY COP Chicago police officers are all alone If it wasn't obvious befo How many recruits are in the Academy right now? On Chicago: Policing After Officer Ella French's Death. Evidence abounds commission that allowed for the release of Jackie Wilson for his role in murder of two officers is a constitutional travesty. But dems and lefties are talking like there was another Federal courthouse burned in Portland, a building leveled by a truck bomb in Oklahoma City, maybe some airliners crashed into New York skyscrapers, the author wrote. The stakes of CPDbudget hearing are too great for aldermen to wilt. Steven Montano is facing charges of first-degree murder, aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, aggravated discharge of a firearm and two additional misdemeanors, the . Powered by Sarcasm, Stats & Booze. Chicago Police Officers Odyssey After Attack Explains Low Police Morale. Lets look at that.. Beverly, Mount Greenwood, and Morgan Park deserve an alderman better attuned to the needs of residents. Barring a miracle, it looks as if Cook County is stuck with Tom Dart for another term. The following was originally posted on the Chicago Contrarian. The differing treatment of Foxx and Lightfoot by Chicago media is telling. Who Is to Blame In Chicago Police Shooting? Media influence drives honest man from public office to keep anti-police narrative alive. Despite slaughter of the innocent, Chicagos unified progressives hold the party line. Speaking to the Chicago Sun-Times in 2007, one of the blogs authors said: The media doesnt understand what its like to drive down dark alleys, to run toward the sound of gunfire, to chase someone over fences and have to tackle and fight someone into handcuffs or respond to a man shot call and see blood and brains spilled all over the sidewalk, and if youre really quick to the scene, listen to the victims last screams, moans or gurgles., Bet on it: There was a time when Woods was even money, but now the wager is if hell even make the cut. Illinois General Assembly Must Adopt a Mayoral Recall Election for Chicago. One hundred? SCC explains the decision to shut down their website: Well, this was certainly a long time coming. How to Respond When Your Child is Canceled in Chicago Schools. Chicago Police Officers Odyssey After Attack Explains Low Police Morale. chicago contrarian second city cop. We are exploring options and well leave it at that. It seems that Secondcitycop Blogspot content is notably popular in USA. Just last month, a North Side alderman learned the blogs influence the hard way. Chicagos Ministry of Propaganda Gets a Massive Boost. Emergent social norms and polycentric governance strengthen civility. It was a long time coming, but you'll wear the blame for this one forever. Chicago Contrarian analysis links rising violent crime with the Chicago Teachers Union. And theres Groot, the f#$%ing mayor of Chicago, sympathizing with the mother who didnt know her son was missing for two days, didnt even report him missing for three, and identified the body in the morgue five days after the shooting. Time for Chicago to Defund Broken Police Oversight Agency. State Lawmaker, Chicago Alderman Push for Drug Normalization, Kim Foxxs War on Law & Order in Chicago Expands Unopposed. Try under 50. Chicago is stuck with Foxx until she is no longer protected. Up for reappointment, Cook County Public Defender embraces corrosive immigration policies. Really. The line between CTU member and political activist has become shadowy. But this one was different. #Chicago Second City Cop Addresses Chicago | Chicago Contrarian Administrators of popular Chicago blog emerge to deliver some great thoughts and observations. What are Chicagos Mission, Vision and Values? Pupils need to lift themselves from their own predicaments. Elf is my husband, our kids are Princess, Duchess, Baron, Empress, Chief, the Contessa, and the 7th Son. Personally, there ought to be a bracelet of C-4 wrapped around their waist and detonated if they so much as approach a woman, but Crimesha seems happy to have them just out raping again. Chicago needs bold and principled leadership. It was not a good year for the press in the Windy City. Shocking about face on behalf of two men accused of double murder could be the worst corruption under Foxx. Chicago Police History. Chicagos Immersion in Anti-Police Movement Allows Predators to Roam Free. We could regale you with stories about what we've been doing the past sixty days, but rest assured, you'd be bored pretty darn quick. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. New legal motions contend Foxx prosecutors bowed to Tribune pressure in anti-police claims. Crains Chicago Business Fangirls Kim Foxx, Radical Left-Wing Activists Consuming Chicago Neighborhood. Fearful of backlash from anti-police activists, Ghian Foreman bungles key decision. An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Chicago Tribunes Jason Meisner heads up activist media seemingly aimed at poisoning the jury pool. Booth Bobbles: Chicagos Destructive Mayor Featured at Premier U of C Event. Chicago's Francis W. Parker School to Launch 2023 Butt Plugs Matter Annual Campaign. Over the weekend, we received information from a contact at Google that internal chat/e-mails led them to believe that certain precautions we had taken over the years had been breached by Google. Mayor Lori Lightfoot got exactly what she wished for. Did the demise of American media start in Chicagos pretentious alternative press? His post details a spoof of a memo that he says would come from Mayor Lightfoots desk. Orwells 1984? REBLOG: Second City Cop Addresses Chicago | Chicago Contrarian Reposting in full to prevent disappearance. On-duty as well as off-duty incidents are included. #Chicago. Welcome to Another Great Year at Chicago Public Schools. Hyper local social media site Nextdoor censors Chicago users on education, crime, and political commentary. 257Hameetman v City of Chicago, 776 F2d 636, 641 (7th Cir 1985). Village of Palos Park Police: Emergency Services and Homeland Security . Ethics Reform, Chicago City Council Style. Look it up and imagine it drilled down to individual citizens. Well get to the question everyone is asking shortly. With an obedient media protecting the most corrupt elected official in the country, Chicago and Illinois are now doomed. Chicago City Council embraces bizarre claims of radical journalism group. As in bodies are going to stack up, because they know cops cannot engage in a foot pursuit. Who is Saint Patrick and why is he celebrated in Chicago? Chicago Attorney: Overturning Conviction in Police Murder Illegal. Chicago Alderman Roderick Sawyer Looks Out for the Little Guy. The operators of Second City Cop, a long-running and widely-read blog about Chicago policing, confirmed Tuesday night that they independently decided to cease publication over the weekend. The Cook County prosecutor and the bomb throwers. The CTU has hijacked education and CPS has allowed it to happen. Preib's earlier book, Crooked City, undermined the central so-called "wrongful conviction" case that was seminal in generating an industry in Illinois aimed at overturning convictions.Now Preib moves beyond that case to the Madison Hobley arson, meticulously unraveling, strand by strand, the convoluted tapestry of Chicago's corruption that led to a 2003 pardon of Hobley by Illinois Governor . This is our Chicago Justice Podcast that covers crime, violence, and justice issues in Chicago. CPS shared a welcome letter with parents but neglected to share that all kids will have an opportunity to learn radical gender ideology and Critical Race Theory. Criminalizing Police Becomes Law in Illinois. Weve seen it on a daily basis with vehicle chases you get a ton more of them because the criminal knows that (A) the cops arent chasing and (B) theres no penalty for fleeing. Second City Cop Purged From The Internet! Two months. The Elections Chicago Cannot Afford to Overlook. Contrarian's Second City Cop discusses Kass' column, manpower shortages, Police retiring in droves, and the early rounds of "wilding" downtown. Is Americas Future Rooted in Chicagos Past? After 15 years as an online water-cooler for Chicagos police officers, the anonymously authored Second City Cop blog was closed to the public over the weekend. Are you now or have you ever been against Critical Race Theory? All sorts of stuff going on. Chicagos Unscrupulous Media Cooks up Another Fiction. No one else will. It all started with children's games. David Brown, Gov. Chicago Experiments with a Universal Basic Income. The amount of personal data available to woke companies who would deny commerce or service based on beliefs, contributions, investments (not Green enough! Many hundreds? Some good, some bad, some truly sad, but busy. Social media pictures of him flashing gang signs. The Chicago Sun-Times advances Progressive disarmament. If you follow theCWB blog(still a daily read for us) a number of articles arent just about criminals out on affordable bails that are shooting and killing rivals along with a few innocent bystanders its about rapists who should be on electronic monitoring not even showing up to be lo-jacked, and then going out and raping again. Alden Publishings Takeover of the Chicago Tribune No Cause for Tears. The Sad Drama of the Chicago City Council. How many showed up? Literally hundreds.and not even 100 in the pipeline. Tattoos noted in the coroner report and the eyebrow lines shaved in. In this episode we take a look at a couple recent posts that provide insight in to the mind set of the insurrectionists on January 6th. In a statement provided to the Crime in Wrigleyville and Boystown blog one of SCCs preferred media outlets the owner of Second City Cop did not rule out reviving the site in a different format, saying: Well, this was certainly a long time coming. Heather ODonnell of the Chicago social services agency Thresholds says the money is an opportunity to really build up substance use care.. New Policing Strategy Certain to Wreak Havoc on Chicago's Streets. NAISS and NAMBLA to partner with progressive school in Chicago. Second City Cop January 7, 2022 Chicago must stop the bleed, stabilize itself and implement a growth strategy. New Signs CBS, Dave Savini Shattered the Career of Chicago Police Officer? The contrasts separating Mayor Lightfoot and Alderman Lopez are stark. In the meantime, how about that Groot? Two months. In the 2016 election, the city of Chicago voted for Clinton over Trump by 84% to 13%. Try again later. Did Pritzker sign something the night before? Regular readers will recall that I've often mentioned Second City Cop, a blog written by anonymous Chicago police officers (whether serving or former isn't known). 60 Years of Comedy History. Did you know that after the suicide in 019, not a single member of the Command Staff showed up at Roll Calls for at least three days? Chicago Aldermans Stunt Merits Impeachment. What it Will Take to Keep Companies in Sweet Home Chicago. Crimeshahas relegated her entire office to being a criminals BFF. Two more suicides while were in limbo nothing from the Groot and worse, a canned e-mail from Brownie. Not from a punitive standpoint, but [thinking] Hey, theyre posting about being short [on manpower] in districts. Brownie was worse, posting an e-mail to everyone where he expressed exactly ZERO concern for the mental well-being of the Officer involved, who was placed into the unfortunate situation of responding to a Shots Fired call, and being quick enough to arrive on-scene in time to actually on-view someone with a gun. On Chicago: Lightfoot Faces Her First Serious Reelection Challenge. And again, we can only say, Maybe. We want to bring it (or something similar) back so that cops have somewhere to vent and participate in a give-and-take conversation. It's time for Chicago to re-think urban planning. Our security is paramount in all of our calculations, and that means no obvious trail back to our people. And how many are in the hiring pipeline? Chicago Contrarian Offers Advice to Parents Considering Chicago Private Schools. Anonymizers and cut-outs are of limited use in the age of big tech. 12,929 were here. But they care. We did use it to say, Hey, lets look into this issue. Weve done that a lot. More Chicago Sun-Times Bias Delivered Straight to Your Front Door. The interesting part of their posts on Chicago Contrarian is that there are no comments allowed. Second City Cop blog celebrates slain CPD commander . Wishes for a Chicago family to reunite with the grandparents. Any reporters out there looking to make some waves, or is that illegal now? A Search For Better K-12 Chicago Area Schools Points to Northwest Indiana. This part is darkly amusing you know who is suffering quite a bit in Chicago? Can Mike Cummings Upend Matt OShea in Chicagos 19th Ward? It's more complex than the last time and it's just beginning. Heather Cherone | March 1, 2023 5:52 pm. The FOP has the retirement numbers for Jan/Feb/Mar and there are hundreds. Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx briefs the media on the office's decision to not pursue criminal charges in the shooting deaths of 13-year-old Adam Toledo and 22-year-old Anthony Alvarez . As in ready to visit violence on anyone who resists. Ald. David Brown's favorite steakhouse, according to multiple sources. Chicago Contrarians Marty Preib appears on Fox Nations Tucker Carlson Originals. Despite problems, Matt Rosenberg's book asserts there is a glimmer of hope for the Windy City. Almost like theyre scared to show even the tiniest bit of support for the men and women in blue, lest the suspiciously dormant rioters notice them. Will new leadership at the Tribune plot a new tack or stick with a failing strategy? Chicago's 6th Ward alderman abhors capitalism, unless its crony capitalism. Amy Campanelli Bandwagons with Cook Countys Social Justice Troupe. A modest proposal to finance vote buying. What $40K per year gets your children in the Windy City. The first post we look at from Chicago Contrarian is a post authored by Second City Cop an alt right blog that folded mysteriously shortly after the insurrection and then appeared posting to the Chicago Contrarian site. is not yet rated by Alexa and its traffic estimate is unavailable. Sun-Times file After 15 years as an online water-cooler for Chicago's police officers, the anonymously authored Second City Cop blog was closed to the public over the weekend. The Chicago City Council was once an ideas shop. It's why for the past 15 years the "Second City Cop" police. Chicago faces a stark choice between candidates who can promote safety and radical activists who will foster mayhem. On a semi-frequent basis, the blogs authors would leave breadcrumbs story tips for local reporters. By all means, Governor Pritzker, lets look at everything that has occurred in the exoneration industry's takeover of the governor's office. James Murphy ends 25-year career with immense frustration. View All Writers More Articles by the Author On Chicago: Lightfoot Faces Her First Serious Reelection Challenge An unqualified Obama apparatchik could pose a threat to Chicago's hapless mayor. Teacher and former DEI head at Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School Johanna Thompson continues abusive taunts as religion takes a back seat to progressive ideology and bullying of students. It is filled with hatred and privilege that Blair seems immune form recognizing. Chicago Police Commander's E-mail Rips Prosecutors, Media in Child Murder Case. Published 8 seconds ago. Who do Tribune journalists Megan Crepeau and Jason Meisner really work for? Theyve already all but banned vehicle pursuits, so now chasing anyone on foot is to be regulated, monitored and banned. One hundred? Minority mothers, whose kids are being raped, shot, mugged and murdered (check theHeyJackass.comstats page). Chicago Tribune's Suicide Offers a Glimmer of Hope. Suffice it to say weve been busy. Suffice it to say weve been busy. Just when you think things couldnt get any worse, Groot goes out, makes things infinitely worse, and then blamesthe Police! It is a window into the politics and legal/law enforcement of Chicago and Illinois that is shocking and mostly rings true. A familiar source of fresh and powerful insight on untold matters affecting Chicago for 15 years, Chicago Contrarian welcomes SCC. On Chicago: Afghanistan Debacle Should Inspire Deep and Rigorous Thinking among Windy City Residents. It's not white flight. Every Teacher a Social Justice Warrior: Pronouns in Chicago Classrooms. Chicago property owners do play by the rules. 258Heckler v Chaney, 470 US 821, 831 (1985). The Second City Cop blog offered rumors and opinions about what was going on in the Chicago Police Department and in city politics. We dont know what Big Tech has in store for us and the political winds are not fortuitous. As in bodies are going to stack up, because they know cops cannot engage in a foot pursuit. We know the assorted caucuses in Springfield are busy rolling back all sorts of laws and passing new ones, but we dont recall this one sneaking out of committee. New CDC guidelines for COVID-19 bolsters officers who rejected Chicago's mandates. Sections of this page. Can a New Top Editor Bring Accountability to the Chicago Tribune? Smaller & Taller: Fairness to Fellow Chicagoans, The Elections Chicago Cannot Afford to Overlook. And how many are in the hiring pipeline? On Chicago: Big Tech, Guns, and COVID Chicago Contrarian ^| September24, 2021 | Second City Cop Posted on 09/27/2021 9:20:40 PM PDTby Natty Silence on destructive behavior and the bullying of city employees into compliance We've been busy lately. Highly respected by her peers, Chicago media waged unfair war on legendary jurist. For Whom Are Kwame Raoul and Kimberly Foxx Working? For his essay appearing in Virginia Quarterly Review, Mr. Preib was awarded the Staige D. Blackford Award for Nonfiction in 2005. And nowa dead 13-year-old gangbanger. Sheriff Tom Dart: Chicagolands Innovator. Eric Zorn, Gregory Pratt, Chicago Tribunes coverage of murder and rape case challenged in federal court, again. We still get e-mails from coppers with all sorts of info, hoping we will return and use it one day. Via Chicago Contrarian October 25, 2021 He received his Master of Arts degree in Criminal Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago. You know what happens when cops cant even foot chase? Chicagos Injustice Watch Takes Aim at Chicago Police. I have been monitoring the Second City Cop site for a couple of weeks. Including the District Commander. Read it first on Chicago Contrarian. December 28, 2022. Shareholders' vote places Tribune's future in Alden's hands. Lawmakers giving away the store at the expense of taxpayers. We will never sell or share your information. And now a dead 13-year-old gangbanger. Operators of the popular site read by thousands of people daily and often referred to as SCC or merely the blog changed its settings to private over the weekend, preventing anyone without an invitation from reading future posts. Aurora. Second City Cop has a memo for Chicago's elected leaders and a warning to residents. A critique of Mayor Lightfoots We Will Chicago.. @ChicagoContrar1 Second City Cop has a memo for Chicago's elected leaders and a warning to residents. in Chicago, went dark, thanks to the threatened public identification of its author (s) (which would have exposed him/them to retaliation). Chicago Aldermen Must Aggressively Quiz Police Superintendent at Police Budget Hearing. On Chicago: Second City Cop Discusses the City's Perpetual Decline. For example, earlier this week, it was reported that Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued an . In closing, from someone far wiser than we: You arent here to save societyyou are here to document the downfall, one RD number at a time. This is what they wantnay, demanded. Everything is going according to plan for Kim Foxx. As in ready to visit violence on anyone who resists. Chicago's Walter Jones: A Most Courageous Attorney. Hint: Mayor Lightfoot and the city will need to think long and hard about business retention strategies. The Business of Chicago is No Longer Business. It was not a good year for the press in the Windy City. The Cost of the Chicago Teachers Union Strike, Chicago Public School Educator Affirms Anti-Police Bias in Jon Burge Curriculum. A former sailor's ramblings on anything from family, country and Church through general geek-ness. 2:47. Savings that will be dwarfed by overtime costs during the killing season on tap. Fake Lori goes to school on Willie Wilsons gas programs on the South and West Sides. Alderman is depriving the 35th Ward of its vitality. CPS preaches pronouns and the 72 genders, as Chicago kids make non-binary ninja jokes. Alderman Sigcho-Lopezs hijinks at police station a national embarrassment. Crimesha has relegated her entire office to being a criminals BFF. In this episode we take a look at a couple recent posts that provide insight in to the mind set of the insurrectionists on January 6th. Almost like their scripts were written for an incident that never lived up to expectations.. Institution sends e-mail to lapsed member, denying it fired docents in the spirit of equity. Contrary to orthodox history, the violent radicals of the 1960s never went away. John Catanzara has been reelected for a second three-year term as president of Chicago Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7, the largest police union in the city. Discord Over Grading System Should Compel CPS to Re-Think Technology in Classrooms. With vote of support for scandal-ridden head of police oversight agency, Aldermen Osterman and Smith ensure decline of their wards and Chicago. Kim Foxx Reverses Course, Allows Two Accused Killers to Skate. The new law is as dangerous as criminals themselves. Chicago an example of how crucial stories alleging misconduct against young women can be buried? Is the Chicago Tribunes Divided House Crumbling? The posts from Chicago How do we know hes a gangbanger? CPS preaches pronouns and the 72 genders, as Chicago kids make non-binary ninja jokes. Chicagos Failed Experiment with Bail Reform. So your comment wont show up if you dont see it fairly soon, drop me a line, it probably fell into the spam bucket. Chicago media bringing the war back home after California prosecutor's recall. (WTTW News) More than five dozen Chicagoans were elected Tuesday to oversee the Chicago Police Department as part of a new era of oversight for the beleaguered law enforcement agency. December 21, 2022 . Id hate to be a company in the process of currently building a new skyscraper. Are Women and Children Sacrificed in Chicagos Progressive Movement? Chicago City Council embraces bizarre claims of radical journalism group. Chicago property owners do play by the rules. Police officers in some jurisdictions in the United States are being asked to enforce restrictions on the number of people who may gather around the Thanksgiving table due to concerns over the possible spread of the COVID-19 virus. On Chicago: The Windy City Hits the Century Mark, Chicago Police Superintendent David Browns Poetic Justice. Life goes on until it doesnt. Changing office routines and crime are two of the major headwinds for the commercial real estate market in Chicago, even with fully lifted state and city restrictions. (Armando L. Sanchez / Chicago Tribune) Courts defying city's, state's politically motivated police reform entities greeted with media silence. City of Chicago Attorneys: Prosecutors Didnt Believe Men Innocent of Murder. Read news digest here: view the latest Secondcitycop Blogspot articles and content updates right away or get to their most visited pages. Kim Foxx Under Fire Again In Police Murder Case. In any event, the BIG the blog coming back? HAPD. Governor J.B. Pritzker Joins Illinois' Hall of Shame. As critical race theory makes inroads, Chicago schools condone bigotry by progressive educators. You should the wholesale abandonment of the President, the denunciations, the, I wasnt really with him self-serving statements. . Groot, Crimesha, Prickwrinkle three minority mothers, whose catch-and-release policies, along with zero-bail initiatives, downgrading criminal acts (without legislative action) and anti-police support have led to the biggest shooting and killing tallies since 2016. Minority mothers, whose kids are being raped, shot, mugged and murdered (check the stats page). Can anyone reading tell us exactly when a 13-year-old is allowed to be outside at 0230 hours with a firearm? Cynical Race Theory: Chicago Parents Wake Up to What CRT Really Is. The lakefront, long the crown jewel of Chicago, is now the playground for criminals. DO NOT VOTE FOR DAVID FELLER An explanation of winter vs nesting robins locally, winter aconite in snow, hiking the Appalachian Trail, and ice shacks being down on Lake Winnebago are among the notes from around Chicago outdoors. To What Length Will Chicagos Fawning Media Go to Protect Kim Foxx? Making it impossible to fail in Chicago Public Schools. Almost like theyre scared to show even the tiniest bit of support for the men and women in blue, lest the suspiciously dormant rioters notice them. Of 50 alderman in the city, 46 are Democrats and the other 4 are Independents. With an obedient media protecting the most corrupt elected official in the country, Chicago and Illinois are now doomed. Did CBS Chicago's Fake Warrant Story Drive Weak Politicos? And though some posts were rife with racial undertones, the CPD would sometimes use the blog as a way to take the temperature of rank-and-file officers. After all, Groot is saving millions in salary costs. If you follow the CWB blog (still a daily read for us) a number of articles arent just about criminals out on affordable bails that are shooting and killing rivals along with a few innocent bystanders its about rapists who should be on electronic monitoring not even showing up to be lo-jacked, and then going out and raping again. No foot chases? Thats the message, loud and clear. David Brown Dehumanizes Members of the Chicago Police Department. Like the Academy. A win for the CTU is always a loss for Chicago public school students. Is crime app Kim Foxxs worst nightmare? Brown and Carter seek numbers crunching as replacement for vigilant policing.

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chicago contrarian second city cop