how many electric blue acara in a 75 gallon

There are many ways to set up a tank with the electric blue acara in mind. But there's no one rule set in stone. Electric blue acaras are an extremely popular hybrid cichlid. Poor food, poor water quality, and the bacteria clostridium difficile have all been key contributors. We recommend taking the time to make sure their environment is adequate. You can install an air pump or create a surface disturbance. While electric blue acaras arent schooling fish, they definitely prefer to be in groups with their own kind. You dont want to pair them with fish that are known to be exceptionally aggressive or significantly larger than your Electric Blue Acara. The water should be in the neutral to the mildly acidic range with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0 and with a soft to medium-hardness of between 3 and 12 dGH. Keep in mind that a low water flow in addition to high lighting can fuel algae growth. The first thing you will need is at least a 75 gallon aquarium. Malawi bloat is a common disease of cichlids. Electric Blue Acaras are pretty peaceful creatures that make a nice addition to a community setup. Subpar living conditions, poor water quality, and high stress will significantly decrease how long they live. Well cover everything from their ideal temperature range to their dietary needs. The julii and sterbai are both typical gentle bumbling Cory's the sterbai being the bigger of the two. Electric Blue Acara breeding is something that pretty much anyone can do. . Over the course of the next two to three days, the parents will protect the eggs. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Their dorsal fin starts about a quarter of the way back from the front of their body and extends all the way back to the start of their caudal fin. For most fish, a pace of 0.5 pH changes per 4872 hours should be enough; however, the slower the shift, the safer it is. Another vibrant tank partner for electric blue acara is the moga cichlid. Theyre very eager to explore and will often root around and investigate different areas of your tank. If you plan on keeping more than one, add an additional 15 gallons for every additional acara. The best tank shape to choose for the Blue Acara is long rather than tall. Starting at the front of their dorsal fin and extending down to their upper lip is a dark grey patch devoid of any blue. With proper care and attention, your electric blue acara can live a long and healthy life. Praziquantelis is the most widely utilized therapy. If at all feasible, keep the temperature at 76F. They are very hardy and will thrive in an established and well-maintained freshwater setup. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. One other fact about Balloon Molly fish is they are truly man-made and a result of selective breeding to have scoliosis. Electric blue prefers a large bloodworm and a tubule. The electric blue acara is a hardy fish without many needs. Even though this is another pH alteration of the same magnitude,your fish is more likely to settle down when youreturn waterto its original condition of comfort. To help prevent any possible aggression from this otherwise peaceful fish, a larger tank will allow for more space between tank mates. Caused by poor diet, unsanitary tank conditions, and Clostridium difficile bacteria. I have 4 electric blue acaras & rainbow cichlid in my 75 gallon without any issue. Electric blue acaras are relatively large fish that enjoy their swimming space. You can find Electric Blue Acaras at some good local fish stores, depending on where you live. Once these fish have reached the 4-5 inch mark in their growth theyre able to breed. Don't worry - we have you covered! There are also store-bought items available to modify the pH of your water, but use them with caution and always follow the instructions since the results might be drastic. When choosing ready-made feeds, it is recommended to pay attention to specially developed mixtures for cichlids. Because blue acaras are not all that common and I would guess the electric blue is in fact a jack Dempsy. Then, the parent electric blues will deliver food to the fry, so small foods, like baby brine shrimp, should be supplemented. Water parameters are very flexible (Yes, Malawi's do fine in 3 dGH on up and 7.0 pH on up) and you can put 37 in a 75-gallon aquarium. The Electric Blue Acara is typically smaller and more brightly colored than the normal Blue Acara. It is a member of the cichlid family and can grow to be up to 10 inches in length. During spawning times, electric blue acara will become noticeably more aggressive and territorial. You should also feed flaked foods and cichlid pellets. In most cases, hobbyists use this fish species as the showpiece of the display, with all other species being catered towards them. Start by gathering everything you need to set up your tank: 1. It has fins of the same color and a dorsal fin that swims seamlessly through the water. The female will spawn the eggs and the male will fertilize them (usually shortly after). Formalin, sodium chloride, and malachite green are effective treatments for ich. You can add any floating plant, for example, hornwort, which will comfort them a lot. Remember, the electric blue acara is its own greatest tank companion! If you have a photo I can identify it I was obsessed with South Americans cichlids for years. Electric Blue Acara care is fairly straightforward and easy to manage no matter how experienced you are. The fishes have to thrive in very soft water from very hard water. . Failing to provide this will lead to serious health complications. Thanks for the help. These fish are a flash of brilliant light in the aquarium with their bright blue bodies! The fishes preferred habitat is streams where the current is strong, and the water is clear and well-oxygenated. The bristlenose pleco is a smaller variant of the common pleco. The common recommendation is a 20-gallon tank with the water temperature set to about 75 or 76 degrees Fahrenheit. They are rambunctious and may prey on electric blue acara if bored. The electric blue acara is not a naturally occurring fish. Unlike other similar South American cichlids that are mouth brooders, the electric blue acara is an egg layer that displays excellent parental care. Shock can make it harder for a fish to breathe; increasing the amount of oxygen in the water will greatly assist them. Even though theyre flexible when it comes to sharing a tank with other fish, keeping Electric Blue Acara with their own kind is probably the easiest option available to you. Make sure each tank buddy has the right shoal size to simulate group hostility. You are unlikely to find any other breed that is as breathtakingly beautiful and at the same time so easy to care for, which is why the andinoacara pulcher is the pride and joy of several aquarium hobbyists and aquarium owners. If the pH is slightly out of range yet the fish seems fine, you should consider that pH only. Set the water temperature to 75F (24C), the pH between 6.5 to 7.0, and the hardness between 3 to 12 dGH. Acaras can get 6-7 inches each and 5 is too many without the plecos. Do note that you should only interfere and alter the pH of the water if your fish is in distress. This saves some confusion about sexing them and gives the hobbyist several pairs to choose from. Electric Blue Acaras are monogamous and are moderately easy to breed in the home tank. A: A 75 gallon tank can comfortably accommodate 6-9 Electric Blue Acaras, following the rule of 1 fish . If you do a little research, youll determine that wood and coral sand are two frequent aquarium components that impact pH. Quickly catch it! Electric Blue Acara nibble on a wide range of snacks in the wild, and you want to maintain this variety in your aquarium too. A long tank also has more surface area than a tall one, which makes for the greater oxygenation that this fish species prefers. M. 6. The electric blue acara is a hardy fish that generally adapts to most aquarium water conditions. Affected fish have red skin or gills, excess mucus on the skin, flicking or rubbing on substrate and tank dcor, labored respiration. One can accomplish this by relocating the fish to a new tank or doing a significant water change. They are quiet and hang out towards the aquariums bottom. 80gal planted Angelfish community. Electric blue acaras do best in a slow to medium flow, though they can adapt to higher water currents as long as there are areas of lower flow throughout the aquarium. You can keep around 10-15 cichlids in a 55-gallon fish tank. Malawi bloat causes a bloated abdomen and a diminished appetite or complete loss of appetite in fish. Temperature range: 77 to 78.5 degrees Fahrenheit. That will help to keep the fish healthy and bring out its most vibrant colors. 7 Best Filters For 75 Gallon Fish Tank; Best Filter for 55 Gallon Fish Tank 2023; Best 20-gallon Aquarium Filter Reviews; SunSun External canister filter Review - Is this the right . However, there are several things you can do that will undoubtedly help: To begin, you must restore the pH range of your water to that of the fish. The electric blue acara, . The parents will continue to deliver care until the fry are fully free-swimming. To help keep costs down, a high-quality fish food flake or pellet may be given regularly. While a lot of aquarists dont like the idea of having a single-species tank for the sake of variety, the visual display you get from this fish has changed a lot of minds. Electric Blue Acara are omnivores but eat a lot of live critters in the wild. If you have three youll need 60 (and so on). Freshwater diseases affect electric blue acaras due to inadequate food and bad water conditions. Author Note: During this process, your normally peaceful Electric Blue Acara will be more prone to aggression than normal. However, if you maintain great water quality and give them a healthy diet these are unlikely to occur. They are tropical fish and need a tropical water temperature between 74 F to 82 F. A weekly or biweekly 15 to 25% water change should be performed to keep nitrates low and to keep water quality up. Fortunately, Electric Blue Acara are pretty hardy fish. So, you can probably house ten African cichlids in a 55-gallon tank. You can consider them fully grown by the time it is 8-10 months old. This is a hybrid mainly derived from the naturally occurring blue acara, Andinoacara pulcher; it is believed that they were mixed with blue ram cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) at some point as well. Dont be mistaken by the popularity of dwarf South American cichlids. Buy a group of 8 young fish and grow them up. These freshwater fish are not dwarf cichlids and cannot be kept in nano tank conditions! These fish can be many colors on the spectrum, which can even change depending on their mood. Keep in mind that while you should plant them close together to prevent a dense feeling, there should also be open space where the blue andinoacara pulcher cichlid can swim freely, as this is a cichlid that enjoys being active. How many Blue Acara should be kept together? They do not have any special filtration needs other than regular maintenance. You will require a tank with a nominal capacity of 60 gallons if you want to keep a pair of electric blue acara and a bristlenose pleco. The bond and amount of time you have with your fish is what its all about. This includes a sand substrate along with driftwood or rock for decoration. Other suitable community members include Discus, Pearl Cichlids, Uaru Cichlids, and Angelfish. Once big enough, the baby electric blue acaras can be moved to the display aquarium or given to another hobbyist. Fish like the electric blue acara grow continuously throughout the first few months of its life. When housed with electric blue acara, rainbowfish are bright and appealing. First, theyre absolutely stunning to look at. Electric blues will appreciate a variety of live, freeze-dried, and frozen foods. Electric Blue Acara Care. For instance, African cichlids grow around six inches long. The water conditions should be as follows: Temperature: 72-86F; pH: 6-7.5; . What sets the Blue Acara apart is its remarkably vibrant coloration. Then when we finally got the chance to see one in person it was mind-blowing. Also, mates stay together for life which means you wont be able to mix and match once the breeding process is finished. Electric Yellow Lab, Yellow Tail Acei, Sulfur Head Peacock, Blue Orchid Peacock, and Blue Orchid Peacock living in Lake Malawi are . They eat the same meals and require the same level of attention. Most tanks do well with under 20 ppm nitrate. They are the ideal tank mates for a community of electric blue acara. This is one of the most overlooked benefits of owning this fish in our opinion.

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how many electric blue acara in a 75 gallon