which of the following statements about electronic monitoring is true

Which of the following economic sanctions has the court imposed in the scenario> His county adopts the broken window probation strategy. c. b. shock probation If Illinois is an employment at will state, which of the following statements is true? Explanation : Internal mechanisms are the ways and methods used by the firm . intermediate sanctions are not always used with high-risk probationers who would not have been sent to prison even if the intermediate sanction did not exist. b. Which of the following is NOT one of those reasons? b. net widening focuses on diversion of offenders from prison C. It results in home confinement being impractical and less cost effective. In the context of medical and behavioral assessment of newborns, which of the following is the function of the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)? Monitoring laws differ from country to country. Check all that apply. There were more technical violations committed by ISP participants, resulting in 27% of the ISP participants being returned to prison or jail compared to only 19% of regular probationers. Claire has been sentenced to probation, and the judge has imposed certain conditions for her to complete her probation. What behavior of the infant is associated with decreased marital satisfaction? Auscultation is a method of periodically listening to the fetal heartbeat. Identify a true statement about straight probation. Which of the following conclusions is he most likely to affirm? C. method of childbirth that seeks to reduce or eliminate the use of drugs, enable both parents to participate fully, and control perception of pain. Employees may feel less trust in the company when they are being monitored. Expert Answer. In the first stage, there must be an informal, preliminary inquiry to establish probable cause that a violation has occurred. Which of the following conclusions is Kevin most likely to affirm in his report? c. Shock probation is unlikely to reduce overcrowding in correctional institutions \text{Common equity}&100,000\\ d. the average caseload size is very similar across various jurisdictions, C True b. B Dreams are always fascinating can shape the human culture and show who they are. c. the average time served on probation was sixteen months during 2012. Neonatal _____ occurs when a neonate's skin and eyeballs look yellow, due to immaturity of the _____. a. it helps the offenders with their problems and provides counseling (b) $\mathrm{PCl}_5(g)+4 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}(l) \longrightarrow 5 \mathrm{Cl}^{-}(a q)+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{PO}_4^{-}(a q)+6 \mathrm{H}^{+}(a q)$ D. it has an extremely high false-positive rate. What would happen to the company's books if instead it bought back 1,000 shares at$4 per share. a. the average cost per day for regular probation for each inmate is lower than the cost per day of maintaining and housing an inmate in a maximum-security prison. Risk of collecting data that will show employees are misbehaving Risk of data loss Risk of employees feeling their privacy has been threatened Risk of gathering so much data that it becomes impossible to screen it properly. Why are post mature babies induced or delivered via cesarean section? In the future, there may be no practical need for a separate juvenile justice process because. The level of the discipline does not fit the seriousness of the behavior. The usual method of childbirth is ______ delivery. B. it is used to identity strengths and vulnerabilities in neurological functioning in infants, From an evolutionary perspective, bonding is necessary because, B. it enables parents to take care of a helpless infant so that the infant survives and reproduces. According to the first and second National Inmate Survey of sexual victimization, approximately ________ percent of the American prison inmates experienced sexual victimization. an increase in the number in prisons and prison overcrowding is one of the factors cited in support of intermediate sanctions. A prediction states that a volcano will erupt within a specified number of hours or days (Wright and . d. Uncollectible account expense, 2% of credit sales. Q1. False F d. The managers are ignoring unacceptable behaviors. Which of the following statements is true? B a. it required that inmates be kept in solitary cells so that they could study religious writings, reflect on their misdeeds, and perform handicraft work. d. net widening, c. Which of the following is true>, Jacob is serving a probation sentence. Monitoring increases work unit cohesion. d. a probationer may not be detained in jail until a violation of the conditions of probation has been established, which of the following statements is true regarding the effectiveness of felony probation Which body systems do the mother and baby share before birth? Employees may feel less trust in the company when they are being monitored. Which of the following is most likely to be a finding of Bryan's study? Samantha has adopted the _____. C. cycling between quiet sleep and wakefulness. If you have forgotten or lost your 25-digit PIN, please click here to request a new one. d. community residential center, A short period of imprisonment to "shock" the offender, with a return to the community within a few weeks to continue supervision on probation is called _________. b. boot camps are usually reserved for young, first time prisoners who are deemed likely to benefit from structure and discipline c. concurrent sentencing Which of the following statements is characteristics of intensive supervised probation (ISP) programs? Which type of sleep cycle in premature babies is associated with the best longterm outcomes? the quality of the program's implementation. As of September 30, 2012, there were about ________ employees of adult correctional agencies in the United States. An infant who weighs less than 5 1/2 pounds is considered, In recent years, preterm births in the United States. Can Baudry be fired without a reason? d. adult supervision. Each group is determined to have an equal risk of recidivism (DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?? Cheryl is admitted to Oakbrook General Hospital for the birth of her second child. a. Fifty-three percent of probationers exited supervision in 2012 A forecast indicates that the volcano is "ready" to erupt. In this scenario, Nicholas and Kaitlyn would most likely, D. experience a decline in their martial satisfaction. a. most of the offenders bailed out by Augustus forfeited bond. straight probation occurs when an offender is sentenced only to probation, with no incarceration or other form of residential placement. b. shock incarceration b. cost of supervision c. In 2012, 1.1 million adults moved onto and off of probation d. He should announce a random drug test for all the employees currently working, including Norman. Regular probationers are more likely to be sent to prison or jail than ISP participants. Check all that apply. A. It's more likely to be used with offenders who have committed less serious crimes. Which of the following statements is true of the characteristics of probationers? Kaitlyn agrees to it even though she is worried about the additional responsibilities. Samuel sit stay at the house unless he is approved to go to work or attend an authorized program. D. a fetus not yet born as of 42 weeks' gestation. a. It allows youths to participate in counseling, education, and vocational programs without endangering public safety. An electron microscope is a microscope that uses a beam of accelerated electrons as a source of illumination. Most CRCs require residents to pay a portion of the cost of their stay through wages they earn while in the community Q2. Which of the following statements is true of the surveillance style of supervision? A. He has a substance abuse problem. Employees may feel less trust in the company when they are being monitored. Which of the following conclusions about shock probation is Matthew most likely to confirm? Which of the following has contributed to the reduction in childbirth risks? c. Write-offs of uncollectibles,$5,900. Which of the following intermediate sanctions is Samuel most likely to be serving? In the context of the future of the administration of justice, which of the following is an argument put forward by the advocates of the due process model? a. a. when evidence based practices are implemented, probation outcomes are found to be more successful c. offender restitution According to John Bowlby, what has predisposed parents to care for their infants? d. parolees were arrested in greater numbers than probationers. Mark is born during the 39th week of gestation, and he weighs 4 pounds. The CRCs operate their own kitchen and provide meals to residents. The cycles of wakefulness, sleep, and activity are an infant's state of _____, or degree of alertness. A Electronic monitoring is being used to supervise him. In 2015, approximately ________ percent of parolees in the United States were male. It reduces workers' right to control their environment without reducing the level of worker autonomy and respect. A. Nathan's contact with his neighborhood organizations will be curtailed. To the extent that the crime control model is followed in the use of electronic surveillance, whose vision of society, according to your textbook, may become a reality in the United States? What are the benefits of dental massage for low-birth-weight babies? an opportunity to confront and cross-examine people who testify against them. (a) To signify that the person to whom it belongs intends to be legally bound by the contents of the document to which it is associated. the use of work-release programs so that juveniles can pay for their own placement. Monitoring laws differ from country to country. b. boot camps are expensive compared to minimum security prisons. Are the following statements true of your organization? b. remote supervision We also provide some thoughts concerning compliance and risk mitigation in this challenging environment. \end{array} C. It does not have a negative impact on performance.D. False (the usual method of delivery is vaginal). c. Employees may feel less trust in the company when they are being monitored. Nolan is analyzing the various types of intermediate sanctions. It emphasizes monitoring and enforcing compliance with the rules or supervision and the detection of violations. D. According to the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics 2013 special report entitled "Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Reported by Youth, 2012," ________ percent of the sexual victimization among youths involved black perpetrators. Which of the following is conducted by a senior official to ensure regulatory requirements are being met and include assist visits, command inspections, and Inspector General (IG) inspections? b. offenders who have been placed under house arrest cannot continue to be employed. Monitoring laws differ from country to country. What problem will a disciplinary process present for at will employment? c. physical security provided at CRCs is similar to the security in a prison. Some examples include where an employer: Question 43. The legal philosophy justifying state intervention in the lives of children is called the doctrine of ________. C. a greater likelihood of a cesarean section. CRCs are usually an old boarding house, a YMCA, or some other large residential structure in an urban area. a. CRCs are more expensive to operate than a regular prison. He should follow the company policy and require Norman to pass a fitness-for-duty exam or a drug test before he can pilot the first flight scheduled on his shift. Which of the following statements about monitors are true. Which of the following type of caseload would an offender who is classified as a high risk and in need of frequent contacts between the offender and the probation office be? Items affecting national security. d. boot camps are based on the belief that the shock of the sentence will deter offenders from committing more crimes, B. Which of the following is true about electronic fetal monitoring? The cutoff weight for low birth weight is _____ pounds. a. Offenders in Intensive supervised probation (ISP) programs are more likely to be sent to prison than offenders on regular probation. b. it forbids the use of electronic monitoring and house arrest Electronic waste is recycled using the same process as plastic and metal. Due process model advocates believe that the ________ is a critical stage in the administration of justice. a. Santiago will receive a weekend pass to visit family or friends if he complies with center rules. In which of the following years did the first female correctional officer begin work at a high-security institution? The Allstate Insurance Company does four quick surveys of its employees every year. He should supervise Norman closely and go along on his first scheduled flight to watch out for any signs of impairment. the current right to counsel will be retained. The level of the discipline does not fit the seriousness of the behavior. Designers will conduct n tests of the device and determine the success or failure of each test. b. net widening is the phenomenon of parole boards showing greater leniency toward prison inmates while making release decisions. LOOK IT UP). (ii) NMAP script can be useful for automated scanning. b. indirect supervision Hence, the reliability of such a device must be determined with minimal testing. d. All customer service representatives should be told that they will be monitored. Which of the following does NOT belong? c. supervised mandatory release With IM, your conversation with someone is free from eavesdropping. \text{Retained earnings}&\underline{30,000}\\ a. they are for standard probationers who may have a significant risk of reoffending, but require no special program or supervision d. the major components of shock probation are military regimentation, discipline, exercise, and hard work. C. trained midwives are present with the resources of medical science close at hand. It is used for investment decisions stewardship evaluation activity monitoring and regulatory measures c. And likelihood of the hazard occurring. Monitoring laws differ from country to country. Which of the following terms is a theory of institutional corrections, popular during the 1940s and 1950s, in which crime was seen as symptomatic of personal illness in need of treatment? Around when will the blood pressure of a neonate stabilize? which of the following statements is characteristics of community residential centers (CRCs)? b. Jason ankle bracelet acts as a receiver for radio waves sent by a transmitter in his home. Is unemployment typically short-term or long-term? a. shock incarceration b. Ongoing criminal investigations. What are the components of the Lamaze method of childbirth? The birthing process has ______ overlapping stages. d. net widening is the phenomenon of parole boards showing greater leniency toward prison inmates while making release decisions. d. CRCs are currently used only to help ex inmates make the transition between prison and the community, B According to data provided by the U.S. Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2015, about ________ percent of the more than 2 million adults discharged from probation whose outcome was known had successfully met the conditions of their supervision. In what type of delivery is the baby removed from the mother's uterus through an incision made in her abdomen? Which of the following is likely to happen if the future of law enforcement reflects the principles and policies of the due process model? a. Federal law does not prevent video monitoring even when the employee does not know or consent to being monitored. b. In the second stage (assuming that probable cause is established in the first stage), there must be a formal court hearing to determine if the violation warrants revocation. d. even well-managed probation programs fail to reduce recidivism, A The destructive nature of a one-shot device makes repeated testing either impractical or too costly. 16) Which of the following statements is true about firms pursuing a click-and-mortar business strategy? a. offender restitution b. As the wavelength of an electron can be up to 100,000 times shorter than that of visible light photons, electron microscopes have a higher resolving power than light microscopes and can reveal the structure of smaller objects. The results of research on recidivism have indicated that the factor most strongly related to the likelihood of rearrest is ________. Uncertainty and risk are greatest at the start of the project and lowest at the end; The amount at stake is lowest at the end of the project and greatest at the start; Expected monetary value can be expressed as the product of the risk event probability and the risk event value Over 60 percent of electronics waste worldwide is recycled safely. D. they have more transitions between sleeping and waking. Video monitoring is a commonly used method for deterring theft, maintaining security and monitoring employees. Who is more likely to report marital dissatisfaction? T or F: The rate of stillbirth in the United States has increased since 1990. juvenile offenders are being treated exactly the same as adult offenders in many situations. Ideas for requiring offenders to meet conditions of supervision and reporting to the courts came into effect after the death of John Augustus. Answer Option 3 - Equity ownership by managers is thought to be one of the most effective corporate control mechanisms. c. downward communication What are risks associated with repeat cesarean deliveries? a. a. due to evaluation apprehension, prejudiced people are less likely to express their biases when they are in groups. Answer Self-Inspection Internal Control Inspection Compliance Inspection Question 20 Question boot camps are criticized as expensive and not effective, Which of the following is true of shock incarceration? If the number of observed failures, x , is less than or equal to some specified value k , then the device is considered to have the desired failure rate. Otherwise, select No. What is the main idea of the behavioral perspective on personality? - more births took place at maternity hospitals. Intensive supervision models are intended to: ensure regular contact between probationers and probation officers. c. it charges the police department with the responsibility of supervising the offenders Which of the following statements is true about the Pennsylvania system of confinement? Claire has been convicted of public intoxication and disorderly conduct. CRCs offer offenders to live in the community that provide supervision, room and board, and some treatment as an alternative to prison. b. electronic performances monitioring (EPM) because it is an invasion of workers privacy, has been banned in U.S industries Kroll is a global leader in risk mitigation and response, and their team Visit kroll.idMon Some commercially available measures indicate how frequently the measure should be administered. Which of the following statements about electronic monitoring is true? b. your identity can be stolen. Monitoring cannot prevent hacking or virus attacks. With IM, it is important to pay careful attention to spelling and grammar when trading messages. Question 7. c. The disciplinary process can be seen as a statutory exception. a. Monitoring increases work unit cohesion. The ______ position is when the baby is feet first. c. offenders who complete a boot camp are held for a longer duration than if they had received a traditional prison sentence. Which of the following statements about the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 is true? However, scripts can have specific equirement. Typically, designers want a confidence level of .90, .95, or .99. C Customer service representatives should be able to review their taped phone calls so they can develop their skills. The baby appears to be long and thin in her ultrasound scans, and the doctors inform her that the baby would be receiving decreased levels of nutrients and oxygen from the placenta. According to the Uniform Electronic Commerce Act which of the following statements is TRUE? b. fewer than half of all probationers are on regular caseloads a. Jacob has the right to legal counsel during his revocation hearing b. Which of the following is NOT one of those categories? Which of the following statements is most likely to be present in Daniel's report. These __________ surveys are designed to help managers and executives understand Allstate's culture better and address any issues employees may be having before they become big problems for the company.

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which of the following statements about electronic monitoring is true