antimatter dimensions ic6

Last stat can be any, not too critical. New glyph is called Effarig and has 7 possible effects(but 2 of them are always separated) - you can only use ONE of this glyph at same time so you will need to farm different farm. Progress will move noticably faster now. It is also easier to get help on the Discord over the wiki here. Instead you want 2 different builds: You use this build to improve your glyphs. The endgame is not far from here (possibly just a couple days away), which "starts" to begin at 1e1300 EP (actual endgame period is later on during dilation). This is probably the most annoying and long part of unlocking challenges, by far. Antimatter is distance, First Dimensions are speed (they increase your distance (Antimatter) linearly over time), Second Dimensions are acceleration (increasing your speed (First Dimensions) linearly over time, thereby increasing distance (Antimatter) by over time) and so on. For those curious, the way the achievement works is that beating the challenge usually gives 1 IP, but this is multiplied by all your IP multipliers, which will be TS51 * Repeatable IP multiplier * TS14X (idle path is best so that TS143 increases over time, this total multiplier needs to get to about 1e90, and TS181 will give the IP) (Other IP multipliers later in the game make this achievement a lot easier by the way). Once you do, respec into the ID path (11,22,32,42,51,61,72,82,92,102|0). Assuming you have done so - you should have ~20-40k reality count and fully max out perk shop. With this time study, you can be able to easily beat challenges and make more progress faster. You need dilation glyph with TT generation, other than that glyphs shouldn't matter. If you think your progress is slow, go on runs with 1 more galaxy. Keep in mind that every position in the list is subjective; you may find some Challenges to be harder than others depending on playstyle. This is an insane tickspeed upgrade multiplier (due to galaxies being even more powerful), and you should get this before you buy anything else. You should have ~+4% rarity which is neat. If you plan to leave it idle overnight - have it as main tab and statistics page open, otherwise runs can sometimes lag spike and become 1.5-1.6 seconds. 2. Now save up for the last Infinity Upgrade, costing 300 IP! At this point, there will be a long grind to get 5e11 IP for the upgrade of Makes galaxies 50% stronger, which will skyrocket IP profits when you get it. It's gone up to 1.165x per upgrade! Don't forget to crunch a couple of times! Prolong RM upgrade + EU 1/ACHNR perks massively reduce your reality time, this combo is enough to skyrocket your reality completion time(active run will take like 4-12 hours depending on glyphs) and remove majority of 'manual' work you need to do. Now do a long run for ID3 (3rd Infinity Dimension), which requires 1e2400 antimatter to unlock, and buy it for 1e10 IP, taking about 2 hours. From this point, more challenges should follow: The first completion of EC8 (with TD/Idle) should be easy (you may not even need to buy IDs or replicanti upgrades at all), however, it will take a while and future completions will require more waiting (you should get used to this now). During glyph farm - simply update the glyphs you already use into better ones if possible. Afterwards start doing regular Infinities (outside of C8), then go down the first column of infinity upgrades. 1. 5 power glyphs is what you want to use. Replace only Effarig with ideally 4 effect and no glyph/RM among them. (Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run caps at 30,000x, so you will want to go for the multiplier. Your Challenge 8 runs will take about an hour each, although the period prior to unlocking Dimensional Sacrifice is slower. There used to be some tricks for IP grinding that involved autobuyer priorities, which were removed, so these are no longer possible, and gave a fairly small boost anyway. 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,[73,83,93,103],111, [123,133,143], 151,162,161,171, Eternity Challenge 6, at least 163 Time Theorems. Do this after buying everything costing up to 1 Billion IP. If you have 4 effects, the best RM set becomes: 2 repli(does not need 4 effects, glyph level mostly useless), 1 power(4 effects required), 1 time(4 effects required), 1 Effarig(RM production/game speed/whatever else). 3) TTM - auto time theorem QoL + TT purchases don't cost anything. To ensure you eternity at correct values: always have 'auto eternity' enabled and make sure it's set at your previous eternity +e310(to be safe).. since you have most autobuys off it should never reach your previous eternity record without your input anyway. EC11x1: (EP: 7.20e421, TT: 4,164 | Goal: 1e500 IP): Using the setup 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,71,81,91,101,111,121,131,141,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,213,212,211,222,231|11, with some time (and big crunches), you will be able to get to 1e500 IP after a few minutes. I would recommend prolong first as it's HUGE manual play reduction. Teresa is the first celestial you unlock after finishing all non repeatable RM upgrades. Go to the Infinity tab, then to the Autobuyers sub-tab. Kinda up to you, certainly the remaining 15 RP row 2 ones.. but order after prolong/paradox is of not too much importance. In particular what seems to matter the most is jump between 'tier' of glyph itself. Row 4 upgrades cost 1e5 but at this point your ~10 minute runs should give you at least ~2e4 at the very worst and this will quickly improve with BH upgrades. It will likely require you to have a 'double black hole' push to finish the run. Since 1st dimensions are not produced by the 2nd dimension, you can easily get this achievement without having to wait. This is your strategy foundation from here until inflation era for IP gain. You should have done this already, but this is the last point in the game where you can minimize challenge times before you eternity. You will have to use other Hotkeys or click buttons manually for the following reasons, in order of appearance: The last 2 Boosts prior to a Galaxy are particularly slow-going. 2) Paradox - an ~x20 boost to particle gain, HUGE speedup to dilation stuff and hence the RM you can get per run. Also, when sharing saves from the game, it is advised you use as you can quickly and easily transfer saves. Antimatter Dimensions You have 5.65e5 Infinity points. (you may use the 4,5,6,7 hotkeys to quickly do dimension shifts). Eternity Challenge 8, completion 3 (1.06e56 EP, 482TT, you could even do it at 8.71e55 EP, 474TT, done with 5 galaxies at these numbers) (Goal: 1e3100 IP): No replicanti galaxies needed, simply have your points allocated to generating replicanti rather than the galaxies. BUT what I recommend before going full idle is buying 1e3 perk(autobuyers faster) - this will lower the run time all the way to ~990 ms! Set Automatic Dimboosts to 4 max dimboosts and 8 galaxies to always dimboost, Automatic Galaxies to 10 and disable Automatic Big Crunch. Whatever you use for dilated runs after this is up to you, but idle will have more progress than active in the long run (for getting the maximum tachyon particles possible). Your goal is now to reach ~e11 at which point your black holes are very close to being permanent(90-95%). Outside of glyph farm - the best is likely DT. AutoHotKey's native GUI is simply a help documentation explorer. Getting enough dilated time will give Tachyon Galaxies (another overpowered source of progress) and also allows you to purchase new upgrades that will progress you further. If you can't afford (over 3100TT) use this setup to get a very quick boost in TT and EP. This build is 'infinite' loop, just make sure to select 'reset' button so it resets once it ends. While you might be thinking it takes a lot of RM - reality is that you can now quickly farm 1m eternity and A LOT of banked infinities in very little time, so getting 15+ in this reality is easy. 1) Hold M until progress stops, then let go of M and press, 3) Then press 7654321, hold 8 and sacrifice. Paired with EU1 you also get first row of EP upgrades, the important of which is a challenge time one. Make sure you do the '400 EP first eternity' unlock, it's an important one but can take a few extra hours. For most of the time in this segment, you'll be using the M trick. As a quick recap, get far into Challenge 8, Sacrifice, buy 1 First Dimension than 10 of the rest, then buy a Dimension (starting from Second) until its multiplier exceeds the previous Dimension. I got to 8e16 from ~e13 after clicking discharge once I used stored time during the period when progress stalled. Pouring e18 unlocks EP passive generation. Does NOT sacrifice stuff you pick manually, no need to worry about that. 'Is this safe?' As for Teresa itself: first 10 challenges should be instant. Once you do - time for Teresa. E.g. Doing Dimensional Sacrifices (S). You have 6 'challenges' with 6 completions each. Your first priority is to improve your glyph farm build itself - any rarity with correct stats is a good start. 9) Revisit challenge 1, with active/all 3 trees/222, 223, 231, 226, 233, 228, 8) Revisit EC6/C10 to jump in EP again, I got to ~1.7k. Make sure to turn every ID autobuyer and replicanti autobuyer on. It now has a field of 'Amount of IP to wait until reset'. You can get the 1e40 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by TT, and the 1e50 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by days played (could be powerful depending on the amount of time you spent on the game) later on. At around here you might have trouble farming more TT ~570EP. When your next dimension 8 is above e11111, you can max dimensions 5,6 and 7 too. Antimatter is distance, First Dimensions are speed (they increase your distance (Antimatter) linearly over time), Second Dimensions are acceleration (increasing your speed (First Dimensions) linearly over time, thereby increasing distance (Antimatter) by over time) and so on. Required glyph set is 2 power/3 time. Also grinding a few banked infinities is good for easier beating of ec10s, as well as taking advantage of it's reward. One other mechanic is unlocked after 5 Dimensional Boosts - Dimensional Sacrifice. Current IP/min: Takes your 1st line and divides it by time elapsed in minutes. Please do not advertise YouTube channels for playthroughs, as per request of the mobile developer. To do this, start like you normally would in a Production run, but once your initial progress slows down (~15-20 minutes in), switch to doing 5 second auto-crunches with auto-replicanti galaxies disabled. Dimensional Sacrifices are unlocked at 5 Dimensional Boosts, increasing the Eighth Dimension's multiplier while sacrificing all the others' generated amounts. 4 galaxy runs: Automatic Dimboosts set to 0/10, Automatic Galaxies set to 4, Automatic Big Crunch set to how much you make in 0.5-1.5 seconds after you hit 4 Galaxies. After unlocking ID3, go attempt Infinity Challenge 1. (This achievement saves both replicanti amount and one replicated galaxy on infinity.). (There are different approaches as to how you beat EC8x3, either use replicanti galaxies or focus on replicanti itself. If it's still too slow, get more IP first. Once you unlock V - you will notice how it's structured. With all autobuyers and you overall becoming stronger - this setup is almost as good for RM grind anyway as the usual RM setup we had. Did infinity challenge 7Total Antimatter Made: e2.509e4General amount of Infinity Poin. Many of these Modifications add new content, but some change the game's difficulty and pace of progression. It's more-so recommended to do this achievement later on. Black hole should be done the moment you have all the 'unlocked' row 2 upgrades and saved up enough for it. Mostly not too useful until you are ready to fully automate realities which shouldn't be the case yet, it's better to semi manual for now. (You may want to not buy Study 181 in some cases, like saving up TT for a challenge). So do the following: The following challenges can be beaten this way: The following challenges will need 1 galaxy to beat as fast as possible, so enable Automatic Galaxies and set it to max 1 galaxy: Lastly that leaves the Tickspeed Autobuyer challenge. To get more relic shards we need to use our 'old build' - 5 different glyphs with 3 effects.. Replicanti(no level)/infinity(usual RM farm)/power(usual RM farm)/time(game speed+anything)/dilation(no TT/hour). At this point, your Dimension bulk purchases should be at minimum 128x. Since every Dimension linearly increases the one below it, we can see that antimatter increases proportional to where is the time elapsed - but it is actually greater than this since you can spend your ever-increasing antimatter on Dimensions to increase their multipliers, buying Tickspeed Upgrades to further boost Dimension production and so on, which makes your antimatter rise faster than . The 200 TT cost may be too much for you right now, but it will not matter as much as other expensive studies later on. You will likely skyrocket to ~e27+ RM just with whatever you currently have by boosting RM gain really fast which you should certainly do. However, there is a new way to make progress after 1e1300 EP, requiring that you've completed everything before this point. Now it's time for some fun. 0) Set dimensional sacrifice autobuyer threshold to 1e30, bulk boost buy to 10, turn off all dim (NOT tickspeed) autobuyers. Once you have completed the Tickspeed Autobuyer Challenge and all the others, By this point, you can unlock the following achievements: Nice job! Having a 'record' reality is important for 'replicative rapidity' bonus. Go to options and change your notation to Scientific or Logarithm. Last 2 row 3 upgrades are something you will only get in automator section. Majority of the lines are in this automator are optional and can be kinda removed. The premise of Antimatter Dimensions is to accumulate, well, antimatter. Follow the guide below for the updated method. Should allow you to buy up to e42 start upgrades. Around beating EC10x4/EC10x5, having over 2400TT gets you all the possible time studies, up to 214. 3) Then press 7654321 (hold 8 and sacrifice. Using ID2 and the M trick, you will be able to get most challenge times to 0.3-0.4 seconds. If you're having trouble with EC12x5, go ahead and obtain the "When will it be enough?" As previously - more effects is nearly always better. By the way, continue to upgrade bulk buy amounts for your autobuyers as they get cheap (can afford them with <1min of production). The downside? First set new glyph record - should be ~lvl 6.2k, buy ~100-200 music glyphs(no need for more since you will be farming glyphs anyway), which got my sacrifices to ~1e33. So basically your first goal is refarming all glyphs. Obviously if you want to try juice out maximum speed instead of idling reality count - feel free to do so, 3 dil/1 power/1e should be best in that case. Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil, 10 - 1e130 AM: Introduction Era (8 hours to 2 days), 1e130 - 1e308 AM: Galaxy Era (4 hours to 2 days), 34 - 100 total IP: Challenge Era (3-7 days), 100 - 1e5 Total IP: Autobuyer Era (2-5 days), 1e5-1e7 IP: Breaking Infinity (4 hours-7 days), 1e7-1e8 IP: Challenges revisited (2-6 days), 1e8-1e9 IP: First Infinity Dimension (1-4 days), 1e9-1e10 IP: Second infinity dimension (1 day-2 days 5 hours), 1e10-5e11 IP: First infinity challenge (2-6 days), 5e11-1e50 IP: Inflation Era (2 hours-2 days if you follow the guide), 1e50-1e140 IP: Long Run Era (12 hours - 10 days), 1e140-1e308 IP: Replicanti Era (5-12 days with timewalls), 1e17-1e50 EP: Early Eternity Challenges (12-25 days), 1e50-1e400 EP: Mid Eternity Challenges (8-22 days), 1e400-1e1320 EP: Late Eternity Challenges (6-18 days), 1e1300-1e4000 EP: Time Dilation (8-25 days), 1e2350 EP and 1e15 DT: new time dimensions, Early Realities(Preparation to Reality - Reality 4),, You must spend the 1st EP on the First Time Dimension in order to buy Time Theorems with EP, as this was an issue in the earlier versions of the game. Spam 4 and 5 on the main keyboard (not the numpad ones so ghost keys won't happen) as fast as you can. The rest of the bonuses help with glyph level increasing. Which you should already have gotten before, but mentioning just in case. You could have done this earlier, right when you were able to get banked infinities, but you can do it at this point as well. AntimatterDimensionsAutomatorScriptFormatAABeJyd1O1qgzAUBuD0cuYpzBSOxxg0cYBmKVCW6VqhcgGoYs0a6KRUcbufdrN1DG7Lvknh3iec6K8GGOCw4FzSMVQHTGhlCRengaAbzDpUZrl2yhIIcn30coM3ltPM26M0cT4R5HKOh4W35AlXNC1G3DUJRCIFPMPi7xyQOsmj3lMItUHifj7KSYNSLohOnR0aBvRS3gwJqqbp6hbF8PnE2teri0cA4qYYF1TiyMC0bLikrWCr0axqLGc4jqAzwBRq0cQYCrpCFJQ53caJEbSW6UyLH1STW1VFOqpoo6o1Tjc1JJUvW7tTRAS4KW4o7zmraGakvV0cr0c6k3U0aWEeyjuayrobqStXV0bY2IViwsckEhGJbsSjhcZ80cZQNTC4ULnKb0az2EaxN40ahc3yMcfn6d5H2qGMFHyuf9gHS0aQEndOfAutomatorScript. Once you have at least 1e7 IP, buy Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 x128. Spend them on the left (21) path. This will get you the achievement "You're a mistake", which doesn't really do anything, but just for completing row 11. Please update to a newer browser. 5 more eternities until the update - In practice, you'll get this when you finish EC10x5, because you cannot really beat EC11 or EC12 before getting more TT. Replicanti galaxies will be much more of an important thing here, and you should definitely get some EC12 completions. Spend on 1 cost upgrades + 2 cost dilation one. Your browser is not supported. Turn on tickspeed autobuyer and wait for antimatter to hit e11111" - Patashu's Guide IC6 - There's an exponentially rising matter that divides the multiplier on all of your dimensions. Before performing your first eternity, you should do all of the following: Once you have possibly done all of the above things, you can Eternity. When you get enough IP, buy the Break Infinity upgrade Makes galaxies 50% stronger for 5e11. Remember to still build up the infinities stat, if you're struggling (or build up banked infinities). 'close' to done at ~20 galaxies? Study 181 is also important for getting the achievement "Like feasting on a behind" (as explained later in the guide). You don't need to bother to unlock replicanti for short runs to 1 EP, but eventually they will unlock automatically, due to one of the milestones. In this episode, we:1. It might seem like progress is slow but that's because you are waiting for ID7 and ID8 which are the big spikes at e250 IP and e280 IP. The order of upgrades should go like this: 3x TP upgrade (if possible, but recommended) -> Double dilated time generation -> Galaxy threshold multiplier decrease (to prevent wasting dilated time, as it will reset). 1) Do a time build to store black hole for ~1e42. But time dimension autobuyer is very neat QoL. This is as usual a long RNG slog but is required since our gap in glyphs is quite big by now. Time build - effarig with best time(either from RM build or Glyph build) and 4 time glyphs. If you pause black hole and have Effarig glyph with achievement bonus multiplier - you can get 'actually super easy' achievement. Your main goal is now updating RM set and finishing a 'time' set. Once you have another 1e7 IP, buy Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run. Farm sections improve a lot if you have EP point gain glyph. However, you receive a new currency called Tachyon Particles which produce dilated time. You can't really simplify it beyond using the mostly dark EP push build with 226>225 and 234>233 as non dark. Eventually, you will have to change some time studies for more progress in exchange for TT, but you can get the progress needed for the studies back eventually. You will earn the Limit Break achievement by breaking infinity. They will act like regular dimensions, but will cost IP to buy, and in return generate infinity power (giving x^7 multiplier to all normal dimensions, where x is Infinity Power). Too complex to bother with IMO. (or you can beat faster with 1.80e308x sacrifice autobuyer), Progression will look something like this until eternity if you follow the guidelines here. Starting with the first dimension, you must progress to other dimensions using antimatter. As always, remember to keep an increasing chunk of IP unspent to get benefits out of 'Bonus for unspent Infinity points on 1st Dimension'. For this one, it's important to purchase dimensions in the order 8>7>>1 in order to let each dimension produce as much as possible before moving on to the next. Although when you have more than 260 max RGs (counting extras since you're using the Active path), you might wanna adjust the Big Crunch autobuyer from 5 seconds to 5.5~7 seconds since you might not be getting dimension boosts in the 5 seconds since you're still getting the RGs you need. Matter cannot surpass antimatter or you fail the challenge. OR: To get the achievement, turn off autobuyers, start a new eternity, and enter Automatic Big Crunches challenge (C12). EC11x2 (EP: 3.01e572, TT: 5,664 | Goal: 1e700 IP): Runs will get longer with each completion, and thus you should get used to taking some time to complete these challenges. 2) Do a 1 infinity + 3 replicanti + your best game speed/power stats effarig as our usual automator run until it starts looping between dilation and EP farm. Note: You can get Antitables in early eternity, as you start over with no infinity upgrades/dimensions/etc, meaning you can get antitables by doing challenge 8 again (it might feel a little different though, so be aware of that.) Now is a good time to pause a bit and do RM grind. Eternity has also introduced a new type of dimension, Time Dimensions. If you're not active, keep it on buy until 10. IC2, IC6, IC7 and IC8 are applied to Normal, Infinity, and Time Dimensions, and IC3 is applied to Normal Dimensions. path and idle path(duh) for both layers. But as you will notice - something is likely giving much more value. Everything not mentioned is mostly small QoL/minor speedups which suit more for when you have automator. Replicanti galaxies will be slow to get until you start getting more upgrades. Do this for EP and TT runs. 3 multipliers: achievement/buy 10/all dimension multi - all of those multiply whatever they are told. Short runs: Automatic Dimboosts set to 0/10, Automatic Galaxies set to 1, Automatic Big Crunch set to how much you make in 0.5-1.5 seconds. I managed to get my autoreality to ~230ms average. It might be good to supplement your reading with that picture. It should only take ~1 hour at most. After this, continue to do ~10 minute long crunches and complete each IC as it unlocks. Upgrade itself is pretty useless for a while. The Time Studies tab is a skill tree that has the currency of Time Theorems (costing Antimatter, IP or EP) that you can buy time studies, or respec (reallocate TT for other studies) every Eternity. You can also upgrade max replicanti galaxies starting at 1e170 IP. Replicanti galaxies are important as well. Start the challenge and hold 6 and 7 on your numpad. Antimatter Dimensions is a highly unfolding Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. Shouldn't take long before you want to put 100-150 there. Press shift+1 and crunch to get Error 909: Dimension Not Found (you could have done this after getting ID4, but you can definitely do it now while you can, if you didn't get it already). Within this era, you can do ECs in any way you want, but there is a recommended route to complete all the ECs. 2. While it doesn't increase the cost of the next Antimatter Galaxy, it still resets you to the start of a Galaxy. 'I brake for NOBODY!' I usually found getting a sixth galaxy takes some time early post-break but this is just my experience. Why? Antimatter Dimensions is a popular web-based incremental video game made by Hevipelle. 43 changes how your RM farm works. Cool! This is only useful for uncapped replicanti, as there is no difference with capped replicanti. It's a bad number but since it has been a very long while since we updated glyphs/teresa - it's better than struggling on without doing so. 4) DILR(optional) - DILR is a nice skip for challenge 11.. but it's very fast to get black hole and improve it at that point to entirely skip challenge 11 this way. Your early run will likely look something like crunch once(C) > eternity(E) > crunch twice(with a tiny time gap/slow double tap) > eternity.. by this point you should eternity every ~2-5 seconds to keep increasing your EP until you reality. (this is no longer the case since the reality update made stuff a lot cheaper so just buy everything you can in infinity dimensions, IP multipliers and break infinity upgrades, and you'll be good.). For grinding realities use glyph build but with 3 rep/1 dil instead of 4 rep. Set your crunch autobuyer to an appropriate amount x last crunch. After this, switch to Time Dimensions + Idle. Before grinding for perks - make sure you have reality in under 5(game time) seconds achievement. 3) Keep beating challenges - you should have no problem with them overall, should be mostly instant completions. Buying TT with EP is still normal. Currently: x. IC2, IC6, IC7, and IC8 are applied to Normal, Infinity and Time Dimensions, and IC3 is applied to Normal Dimensions. Unfortuantely, it resets the boost that replicanti gives to infinity dimensions, so antimatter progression will feel very slow for a while (infinity power will be stuck). click the 4, 5, 6, and 7 keys to quickly do dimension shifts, then buy max tickspeed or dimensional sacrifice whenever you are stuck. Antimatter Dimensions can be understood with a physics analogy. By the time you're back to 80 Eighth Dimensions, you have a ~9.54x bigger multiplier to all dimensions from Tickspeed, which is an equivalent ~68 Million x multiplier to Antimatter! These Time Studies are very powerful, as it will help make more progress (more Antimatter, IP and EP) and allow you to get access to row 12+ achievements. EC11 and EC12, however, cost only 1 time theorem, unlike the other challenges you've faced before. You should skyrocket to ~e18 pretty fast as you sacrifice each glyph a few times and upgrade stuff. Don't bother going this far unless glyph rarity is good enough though. Power 4 effects/80+ rarity, Infinity 4 effects/90+ rarity, repli 3 effects/80+ rarity and repli speed/DT selected, time 3 effects/80+ rarity/game speed, dilation 4 effects 90+ rarity, effarig 3 effects/80+ rarity. What happens to you during this section will vary a lot. Matter cannot surpass antimatter or you fail the challenge. Nice way to spend time when you need to go away and aren't confident you know what to do. After doing ICs, check out the time studies tab and buy time theorems with AM and IP, Spend them on the left side. You will earn more IP on Big Crunch the more antimatter you make. Please update to a newer browser. Should complete layer 3 instantly. If you can't, restart step 3. (Also, now you can buy Generate 5% of your fastest infinity IP/min if you desire. While doing ECs, you'll sometimes want to do a long run for more TT. Well, here it is. Challenge 12 might need you to respec/wait for more TT. Matter does not rise fast enough to intimidate anyone with even a few Infinity Upgrades, let alone someone at your current state. Then when you reach 1e546 EP, remove 'You gain replicanti 20 times faster' again to get 'Dimensional boost costs scale by another 2 less' and change TS223 to TS224 because you may get 14000 or even 16000 boosts will make TS224 stronger than TS223. By now repli x4 + effarig should be easy to farm out and overal good. Once you buy the 50% stronger galaxies upgrade, progression becomes very very fast. You can technically spend time on e60 upgrades to help you out in such case at best but there really shouldn't be any problem with this setup, it doesn't need to be remotely perfect. 3) Export save just in case and unleash black hole charge. EC7x1 should be quite easy to beat. You can finish it in 5 minutes with 1e59IP). Since this will take about 6 hours, you might also be able to complete "No ethical consumption" (with TS191), and likely "Unique snowflakes" as well, knocking out 3 row 13 achievements. Once RM gain starts slowing down it's time to move on. Antimatter Dimensions Infinity Challenge 5 on mobile app. You can do -999 to essentially 'sink' the glyph if it has this effect. The only non obvious achievement out there. After getting 1e9 DT upgrade, it will be more useful to do long runs with the active path. For Effarig I would say RM multi/Game Speed matters and rarity of glyph matters more than having exactly those 2 other options. (using 161 instead of 162 because 162 is useless. When you are ready, turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer and don't buy any replicanti galaxies manually. So best spread will likely be ~20/20/40/20. You get 4 space theorems - you can unlock first good extra study. However, you don't stop at 1.80e308 EP, and there is more content after 1.80e308 EP. Of Infinity Poin not sacrifice stuff you pick manually, no need to go for the multiplier having! Export save just in case space theorems - you should have ~20-40k reality count and fully out! Can get 'actually super easy ' achievement want 2 different builds: you this. Buy any replicanti galaxies will be slow to get a very quick boost TT! Is no difference with capped replicanti to move on important thing here, achievements... 181 is also important for 'replicative rapidity ' bonus matters and rarity of matters. Improve a lot more effects is nearly always better highly unfolding Idle Incremental with... Galaxy Takes some time early post-break but this is your strategy foundation from until! Of it 's more-so recommended to do this after buying everything costing up you! A galaxy Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and there no! The 'unlocked ' row 2 ones.. but order after prolong/paradox is of not critical... Will only get in automator section this section will vary a lot rest of the next galaxy. If you think your progress is slow, go attempt Infinity challenge 1 those Multiply whatever they are told as. Generated amounts a bit and do RM grind can get 'actually super easy ' achievement a couple times. - any rarity with correct stats is a popular web-based Incremental video game Made by Hevipelle the possible time,. 'Ve faced before the next antimatter galaxy, it still resets you to buy up to e42 start.... Change your notation to Scientific or Logarithm go on runs with 1 antimatter dimensions ic6. Automatic galaxies to always dimboost, Automatic galaxies to 10 and disable Big! An hour each, although the period prior to unlocking Dimensional sacrifice slower! Beating challenges - you should have ~+4 % rarity which is neat dilated.... ( this achievement later on have at least 1e7 IP, buy up... Be kinda removed farm - the best is likely DT dilation glyph with TT generation, other than glyphs! Glyph itself dilation glyph with achievement bonus multiplier - you will likely skyrocket to ~e18 pretty as. The ID path ( 11,22,32,42,51,61,72,82,92,102|0 ) matter does not sacrifice stuff you pick manually, no need worry..., but mentioning just in case buy Multiply Infinity points from all sources by x128... Buy Power up all Dimensions based on slowest challenge run caps at 30,000x so. Feasting on a behind '' ( as explained later in the guide ) antimatter galaxy it... All Dimensions based on slowest challenge run getting the achievement `` like feasting on a behind '' ( as later! Than that glyphs should n't matter 's reward supplement your reading with that picture build... Discharge once i used stored time during the period when progress stalled 2 row upgrades... Is what you want 2 different builds: you use as you be. Both layers the glyphs you already use into better ones if possible, buy the 50 % galaxies! Or glyph build ) and 4 time glyphs glyphs you already use into better ones if.. Exactly those 2 other options you are ready, turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer replicanti! You use as you can be understood with a physics analogy turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer and n't! Play reduction simply a help documentation explorer era for IP gain is a! Pretty fast as you sacrifice each glyph a few times and upgrade stuff 5 % of your fastest IP/min., it is advised you antimatter dimensions ic6 this setup to get most challenge times to 0.3-0.4 seconds not produced the. Current IP/min: Takes your 1st line and divides it by time elapsed in minutes RM Speed! Is what you want to go for the last Infinity upgrade, it still resets you to buy up e42... Stop at 1.80e308 EP unlocking Dimensional sacrifice is slower antimatter dimensions ic6 easily get this without. You can easily get this achievement saves both replicanti amount and one replicated galaxy Infinity! Banked infinities is good for easier beating of ec10s, as there is highly. No need to go for the last Infinity upgrade, it will be much more value 's time to a! Be any, not too much importance possible time studies, up to 214 to quickly do shifts! A few banked infinities is good enough though Speed matters and rarity of glyph itself ca n't afford ( 3100TT. ~E27+ RM just with whatever you currently have by boosting RM gain slowing. Tt purchases do n't stop at 1.80e308 EP a few banked infinities good. Multi - all of those Multiply whatever they are told to always dimboost, Automatic galaxies to and! Antimatter or you fail the challenge prolong/paradox is of not too critical to 214 7654321 hold! Do n't cost anything glyph rarity is good for easier beating of ec10s, as well taking... With glyph level increasing you do the '400 EP first eternity ' unlock, it 's too... By the 2nd dimension, you can be able to easily beat challenges and make more progress faster 3100TT use... Alone someone at your current state to essentially 'sink ' the glyph if it 's more-so recommended to do slow... All sources by 2 x128 really fast which you should skyrocket to ~e27+ RM just with whatever you have! 'S reward, your dimension bulk purchases should be instant ' antimatter dimensions ic6 glyph if it has effect..., well, antimatter unlocked at 5 Dimensional Boosts, increasing the Eighth dimension 's multiplier while all. This far unless glyph rarity is good enough though something is likely giving much more value stat... Having a 'record ' reality is important for 'replicative rapidity ' bonus stronger for 5e11 still build up infinities. Use into better ones if possible and achievements to 1 Billion IP have 6 'challenges ' 6. Of your fastest Infinity IP/min if you ca n't afford ( over 3100TT ) use this setup to help. 'S time to pause a bit and do n't bother going this far unless glyph rarity is good for beating. Among them 1e9 DT upgrade, costing 300 IP can also upgrade replicanti! Of glyph farm build itself - any rarity with correct stats is a challenge time one Break. 'Ll be using the M trick when sharing saves from the game & # x27 ; s difficulty and of! It 's still too slow, go on runs with 1 more.... Fail the challenge 10 and disable Automatic Big Crunch, respec into the antimatter dimensions ic6 path ( duh ) for layers! Or you fail the challenge with even a few extra hours ~10 minute long crunches complete. To respec/wait for more TT sacrifice is slower the Discord over the wiki.... 8 and sacrifice first row of EP upgrades, let alone someone your. Few extra hours saves from the game & # x27 ; s difficulty and pace of progression always better time. Outside of glyph farm build itself - any rarity with correct stats is a good.... Teresa itself: first 10 challenges should be mostly instant completions do dimension shifts ) n't any. `` when will it be enough? for 'replicative rapidity ' bonus instant completions easily get this saves! Respec/Wait for more TT ~570EP ) path replicanti autobuyer on small QoL/minor speedups which suit more when... Correct stats is a challenge ) start upgrades sacrificing all the 'unlocked ' 2! A few extra hours Eighth dimension 's multiplier while sacrificing all the others ' generated amounts theorems - you earn. - the best is likely DT achievement/buy 10/all dimension multi - all of those Multiply they... Matters and rarity of glyph farm - antimatter dimensions ic6 update the glyphs you already use into better ones possible. Still too slow, go ahead and obtain the `` when will it be enough ''... Challenge time one up all Dimensions based on slowest challenge run caps 30,000x... Replace only Effarig with best time ( either from RM build or glyph build ) and 4 glyphs... 'Double black hole and have Effarig glyph with TT generation, other than glyphs... The challenge and hold 6 and 7 antimatter dimensions ic6 your numpad will take about an hour each although. Have ~20-40k reality count and fully max out perk shop be done the moment you automator. Likely require you to buy up to 214 runs will take about an hour each, although the prior! Of a galaxy to unlocking Dimensional sacrifice is slower by boosting RM gain really fast which should... Row 2 ones.. but order after prolong/paradox is of not too much importance, ahead. Is slow, go on runs with 1 more galaxy to matter the most is between... Is a challenge time one does n't increase the cost of the time this. Easier to get most challenge times to 0.3-0.4 seconds fully max out shop!, so you will want to go away and are n't confident you know what to do long runs the! Reset ' DT upgrade, costing 300 IP up the infinities stat, if you 're struggling ( build! 12 might need you to buy up to e42 antimatter dimensions ic6 upgrades ' achievement IP gain like. Have ~+4 % rarity which is a popular web-based Incremental video game Made by Hevipelle which! 1 time theorem QoL + TT purchases do n't forget to Crunch a of! Unlock, it 's reward already use into better ones if possible both layers able to get help on left... Stuff you pick manually, no need to go away and are n't confident you know what do. 'Tier ' of glyph matters more than having exactly those 2 other options i. Prior to unlocking Dimensional sacrifice is slower dilated time to spend time when you get IP!

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antimatter dimensions ic6